Sunday, July 06, 2008

Sun. morning, July 6, 2008 Celebration and company

Hi, Everyone,

We had a delightful time yesterday at LaPizzaria for my Aunt's 90th. birthday. There were people from a lot of different of Ohio and also other states such as Boston, (her daughter and husband). My brother was there, my Aunt's sister, other nieces, nephews, and I'm still trying to figure out who was who! I had not seen my cousin from Boston since high school. She looks great and her husband is a very nice fellow. We had a great time. I took lots of pictures.

Unfortunately, my uncle, (my mother's youngest brother and only living sibling of her family), tried to come up from Marietta, but after stopping at a roadside rest near New Philadelphia, O., the car would not start. My uncle called just as hubby and I were leaving, so I took my cell phone with me and called him when we reached the restaurant. He told me they were heading back via a tow-truck. Bummer! Thank goodness he had extended AAA coverage, and that helped with expenses a lot. Well, he tried, and he and his wife were very disappointed they could not attend. I called him later after we got home around 8:30 p.m., and he said the car was in the repair shot and hopefully will be fixed today or tomorrow.

So, now I am planning an get-together here at our house sometime in August. My brother offered to come down to and bring our Aunt with him. That will be nice. My Uncle and Aunt have not seen each other in about 20 years or so. My Aunt was married to my Mother's oldest brother. She is a dear lady.

Company from Iowa, and Nebraska, and Canton are coming within a short time. Hubby's brother is from Nebraska, and his two boys live in Iowa. Father-in-law is coming too.
I made the potato salad this morning, baked beans, and also prepared the hot sauce for the plate of shrimp. Father-in-law is bringing corn on the cob and rib-eye steaks. I will also pick new onions from the garden, and we should have a feast!

Yesterday, at the start of the birthday party, my cousin from Boston took me aside as soon as we greeted on another and said she had read my first book. She thought it was so sad and that if I had told her dad, (my Uncle), what was going on with me and about all the abuse and violence, he would have done his best to put a stop to it. Unfortunately, I was not living in his area, and had lost contact with my Uncle and my Aunt, and besides, at the time, no one believed me anyway. Another factor was, it was too embarrassing to tell many people, and the ones that I did, blamed me for his actions too. Those who showed concern, asked what I did to provoke his abusive actions towards me. On several occasions when I did confide in someone, it got back to my ex-husband, and I suffered unmercifully for telling on him.

This week, on Thursday, my sister, her husband, and their two children are coming up from Georgia and Tennessee for a visit. It will be great to see my nephew as he has been living in China for the last five years. I haven't seen my niece in Tennessee since her wedding almost five years ago. Then on Saturday, there is going to be a family reunion at my other niece's house. That will be wonderful to have our little family together. It has been a long time.

Uh-oh. Company is here.
Later, folks.
Thanks for stopping by and keep in touch!
Becky :)

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