Sunday morning, November 18, 2007
Hello everyone,
The website is really getting busy. They have over 900 authors/writers on there now. I am hearing from more writers all the time and it is really neat. I have even posted some of my poems from my sequel book, A BETTER DAY DAWNING.
This morning, very early, I typed an excerpt from my first book, THE DOOR OF FAĆADE on my website at
I received my critiques for both of my books I entered in the Writer's Digest contest. I am very pleased and encouraged. Although I did not win the contest, I did win in the fact that I gained valuable insight from the critiques I received. I will have them posted soon by my webmaster.
My friend, Sharen, was here most of the week. She did the cleaning, I did the painting. I have all the white ceilings done except for going along the edges. I did pick up a gallon of beige paint to do the computer room. The walls are "Cinnamon Toast" and I did not feel white would go that well. I have also decided to paint the wall between the family room and the dining room, hunter green. I might even do the back of the front door with it.
Thanksgiving Day is really moving upon us. Father-in-law will bring a turkey today he purchased and he will be joining us for the Thanksgiving feast I will prepare. I am looking forward to it.
Yesterday, hubby and I went down into our woods to look for more wood to cut and drag out. The neighbors across the way are having trees removed in the woods that joins ours, and the cutters are leaving the tops. There is a lot of downed wood available. A lot of it is cherry, with some oak here and there. Hubby says that wood will be good for next year after it seasons.
I had not been walking in our woods for a long time. It was fun, and also a sad time. Years ago, when we first acquired this property, we used to take all the dogs we had at the time down in the woods almost daily for a run and exercise. I have numerous photos of all of them down in the woods. I miss my big dogs, Bogie, Sasha, and Echo. They were all great dogs. I will have some pictures of them, hopefully soon, on my website-on the sequel section pages.
Now, because of the knee surgeries I have had over the years, it is more difficult to walk around in the woods. I have to watch my steps so cautiously, as I surely don't want to fall and break anything as I am getting older. Hubby is still young yet, and very agile. He did go slow so I could keep up with him. He is such a sweetie.
How about the "Patterson case" that is in the news? Hmm. Wonder how that will all play out eventually? Is there a similarity to Tracy Thurman? Remember her from a good while back? Her husband was a cop too, (many domestic violence calls there also), and he killed her in their front yard in front of their children. (Read, Ann Jone's book: Next Time She'll Be Dead" . Great book. I used this book as a reference when I wrote my thesis in college, where my writing career all began.)
I am trying to put more pictures on my website. Plus I will be adding more things, hopefully this week too so watch for them. I'll have my web-guy put a "NEW-flashy thing" on so you can tell it is newly added.
Gotta get more painting done. Be safe. Be blessed, and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse. It could save a life.
A very special person in my life had a birthday yesterday. I hope it was a good day for her.
Happy Thanksgiving and may you have many blessings to be thankful for.
Becky :)
Labels: etc., Excerpt on, reviews from Writer's Digest contest
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