December 25, 2005 Christmas Day
Oh, Baby Jesus, on the soft blanket you laid,
Oh, tiny Jesus on your bed of sweet-smelling hay.
The animals watched in silence and awe,
at the new babe in the manger that created disarray.
The wise men brought gifts and traveled so far,
guided and directed by a bright shining star.
Who would have known then while You innocently lay,
tht the innocence and perfection would turn into turmoil therafter each day.
God sent us His Gift, without paper or bow,
Once we accept it, it can set your heart aglow.
It is the infinite Gift and the best that there is,
but man saw some flaws, and tried to take You down to the abyss.
You rose from the dead, and Your resurrection was Light,
in a world full of deception, You saved us from sin,
and gave us the choice to believe in You and to make it all right.
You live in our hearts, as You have told us You would,
if only each person could see all the good.
You never leave us nor stray from our endless searching hearts,
but give us the choice of evil over good as we inwardly march.
Our Father had a plan, and He stuck to his guns,
Evil tries by the second, the battles rage on.
Your goodness and Light is far better than that,
Your unconditional love has the last word on that!
Celebrate tody for the day that it is,
the "Reason for the Season" as long as you live.
He has given you life, be thankful for that,
and in the quiet of the evening,
on bended knees and with bowed head,
be humble and thankful and look only ahead.
The future is full of doubt, mystery and reason,
only God knows with each passing season.
Lift your eyes to the heavens, look towards His Light,
the One that guided the chosen on that incredible night.
Settle for the best love, which only He can give,
and rejoice in His love and His Son while you live.
No matter what takes you down, and you probably will go down,
rely on the Trinity; remember the thorny crown.
He wears the halo, never askew,
but forgives us when our is, and makes us brand new!
One day when I am on my last weary road,
I hope I can recall any good I have done,
and I pray His goodness and love will carry my load.
Your kindgom awaits, and I know not when,
but given the honor, I will rejoice once again!
I humbly pray I will finally see, if given the chance,
not only Your love, guidance and goodness was Your plan,
and not as Man says, "Just Happenstance."
I believe in miracles. May the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit fill your home, life, and the days ahead with Peace, Joy, Love, and Laughter.
Have a blessed, Holy, and wonderful Christmas!
In God's love,
Becky Conrad