Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday morning, August 23, 2009

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting. On this website is valuable information to help you. Or, to pass on to others so they can get help. We can only fix us, we cannot fix the abusers. They have to do that!

Last Thursday morning hubby got up at 4 a.m., his usual time to get up and mine too! His final class at Kent was that morning. We give the cats a teaspoon of baby food (turkey & turkey gravy)each morning to put soft food in their diet as it helps with bladder and kidney stones. Well, when Tigger (the new kitty-about a year old now), came out to the kitchen, hubby noticed she was wobbly and having trouble walking and falling over. She didn't eat the baby food. I woke up shortly after and he was telling me about Tigger. I observed the symptoms he described right away. I told him I would take her into the vet as soon as I could get an appointment.

I felt so sorry for Tigger. She would try to walk then fall over on her side. It was terrible to watch her struggle. She seemed so disoriented, scared, confused, and more than likely terrified as she didn't know what was happening to her either. The night before she was fine. In fact, she even found a little moth on the wall and was watching it until I got a Kleenex and got it and disposed of it. She was certainly fine then.

The veterinarian assessed her and watched her try to walk on the floor. Tigger's head was cocked to one side and she seemed unsure of her steps. The Vet also found some brown debris in her right ear and thought it was a fungus of some kind, but not ear mites. So she said either it is the fungus in the ear, or an unusual problem called "Idiopathic Vestibular Disease." No known reason for the onset, no known cure, and not a lot of information regarding it. (I checked on the Internet when I got home.) Seems like the latter and not really the former (fungus) that is causing her balance problems. Plus, there is nausea with it and rapid eye movement, sensitivity to touch, and disorientation. Articles say it can happen to cats a year or older and in the late summer or early fall. Weird, very weird.

Tigger hid under the bed for about a day and a half. She did come out to use the litter box but was not eating or drinking that I could tell. I gave her extra baby food and put water dishes here and there. It seemed she was also having trouble with her neck and being able to reach the floor or a dish. It would end up sideways at times, but that could be to her eyes not focusing well.

As of this morning, she jumped on the bed and is doing a little better. She has trouble in the litter box as if she is not squarely on all four paws, her balance is off. Plus, she is not allowed to go up or down stairs. The duration is anywhere from 2-6 weeks until she gets back to normal, but the head tilting may remain slightly.

Hubby finished his two Master's classes and was he relieved they were over. They were very grueling. He got and 'A' on his first class, and I'm sure he got an 'A' on his second one. Now he has to do his 16 week on-line class and he will be done by the end of December. Yeah! Now the students start back to school here on Tuesday. He is looking forward to another good year of teaching and good students.

Finally picked some green beans on Friday. Never had green beans fail to produce all summer like that. Must have been bad beans or something, even though the bushes were beautiful! After blanching them, I filled one quart bag, that is it! I did some tomatoes, and also cored some green peppers and froze them.

Another busy week coming up with work and meetings and CCAPL stuff. Have a great week everyone and stay safe.

Blessings to you,
Becky :)

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tues. August 18, 2009

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by!
I've been really busy with so many things going on around here! Company has gone home to Iowa and Nebraska and to various places around the state. It is always great to see them.

It has been hot here in this neck of the woods, and we've had the air conditioner running now three days in a row. We are certainly blessed with it. The kitties are enjoying it too!

The CCAPL land update is: We are waiting. Hettler Engineering is putting together four "site plans" from which we have to choose one and this will be sent into the EPA. They will tell us where the sewer system needs to go and the building. Then ODOT tells us where the driveway goes in conjunction with the building site. So, we are waiting. (Grant requests will be sent ASAP after we get more intricate details of the site plans.)

We have had numerous fund-raisers after another. Now that we have a loan payment each month for the land purchased, we are committed.

Summer is almost over. Hard to believe. The time has gone so quickly. Hubby is almost done with going to Kent for his classes. He has a big lab test today and then on Thursday, his final exam. He has really worked hard and his efforts will pay off as soon as he takes his online class too in a couple weeks. He will be done by the end of December and get his Masters Degree. I'm so proud of him! (He got an "A" on his first class this summer, and I would not doubt he will get another one for the second class!)

I start back at the Victim Assistance Office the first of October on a regular basis, every Monday. I have a group session coming up next Monday and will go in and call gals on Friday for it.

I'm going to go out this morning and rearrange and clean the garage area that is a disaster! Need to consolidate things and put them in order!

Until next time,stay safe, take care, and let others know about my website so they can get some help!
Becky :)

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Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sat. August 1, 2009

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by these past couple weeks! I have been so busy with so much!

The CCAPL had a hot dog stand last weekend, then today we have a membership drive and are selling dog and cat products we purchased, plus a 50/50 drawing. I'll be volunteering for that this morning until noon, then back home to mow the yard.

Hubby is buried with school work. He spends most of the time studying, driving (90 miles a day), and doing assignments. He is getting tired, poor fellow! His classes are extremely intense. He will finish up the day before school resumes! Not sure when he will get his room ready for teaching. Maybe the day after he's done with his school classes?

Tomorrow is my birthday! Just hard to believe I have reached this age! Where did the years go? Goodness. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, four terrific dogs, two silly cats, and a nice home. We have worked hard together to accomplish what we have and have been greatly blessed. I praise God for His wonderful blessings!

Next weekend will be my family reunion here. My brother, his girlfriend, his daughter, our Uncle and Aunt, our cousins, and our other Aunt will be here around 1 p.m. I'm looking forward to the visit and the cookout!

I've been taking some Mondays off at work this summer. The extra time is allowing me to get things done for the CCAPL and outside and inside work. Many projects to get done!

I've not had many book signings this summer as there have been too many other things to take care of. I do have two signings in November. I'll have my web guy post them soon.

Hubby patched the bullet hole. It will be interesting if we hear shooting in the distance. I'll call the police right away and they can check out the source. Maybe they'll be able to connect the dots as to who's bullet hit our house!

Gotta go for now. Stay safe, and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Becky :)

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