Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday morning, April 23, 2006

Good morning everyone,

Did you have a good week? Here in Ohio the weather was great! It is so nice to hear the birds singing their beautiful songs in the morning. It is my favorite time of the day.
Herman is doing well so far. The toads are doing their thing in the pond, and the four or five frogs that survived are out and about croaking and doing their thing too.
I removed about 25 fish the other day. (Way to many in our little pond!) It took me several times to catch the little buggers. They are so leary once I put the net in. It is a test of wills, believe me. I took the fish of different sizes and colors down to the neighbors' large pond. While I was putting them in the water, the children came and we watched the fish swim away. One of the little girls said they see the fish I have brought, down at the far end where the stream enters the pond out of the hillside.

I received an email from Pam this morning about Tom. He is doing much better, had his trach removed, and is now home! Yeah! He will have a lot of therapy to endure, so please continue to pray for him and his family. He is able to feed himself now and is talking. Praise God!

I had to get another car. It is only two years older than the one I had, but only has 37,800 miles on it. It is a Buick LaSabre with all the trimmings. (Electric everything!) My good and faithful Ford Taurus just was getting to expensive to keep up. Could we return to the horse and buggy? Cars. How exaspirating when they start to go bad. In fact, the day before I was to get the Buick, my neighbor and I were running around town to various stores and when I dropped her off at the local drug store, I took my car up to the car wash. While I was sitting there I noticed the temperature gauge getting warmer. I shut it off while it was being washed. I returned to get my neighbor and the gauge kept rising. I drove to my mechanic, Steve, and he checked it out. He said the fan behind the radiator froze up. We finished our driving around, going in and out of various stores, and I drove us home. I had to meet the lady with the Buick at school, so I drove my Ford to Steve's, left the car with him, walked to the school, and waited. We drove to the Courthouse, changed the title, and she took me home in my new vehicle.

That night I had a meeting from 6p.m. to 9p.m. for the Primary Election. I am a Presiding Judge for my precinct. I went to the meeting in hubby's car.

The next morning I went with hubby at 6:20 a.m. and he dropped me off at the square in town. I went and had breakfast, and waited until I could get into the courthouse at 7:30 a.m. to go to work. After having lunch with an associate, I walked back to Steve's and got my car. Whew! A nice walk, but I was tired when I got there.

Friday night, I cleaned up my old Taurus and parked it by the driveway. Hubby put a "For Sale" sign on a stake and put it in front of the car. Hope I sell it soon!

I drove my Buick to work yesterday for the first time. Really a nice riding and driving car. It will take a little getting used to as it is a bigger car and I feel like I am in a very large boat/tank/whatever.

I due hope it is as good on gas as my Taurus was. I will check on that one.
The gas situation is just getting riduculous! How are people coping with it? I am so blessed I don't have far to drive to work, but what about so many that work far away? Something must be done, and soon. What can be done, I am not sure at this point.

I sent in my first book to the printers with the new corrections. I will be getting a proof-book soon to approve.

The second book, the sequel, is almost completed. I still have not decided on where to get it published. I would like to go with Infinity Publishers again, but it is sooo expensive! I have to really think and pray about that one. Maybe you could too????

Got to go. Laundry awaits, and I have to work today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
I love seeing people I have not seen in a long while. And it is good they are coming in and saving lots of money on so much. With the price of gasoline being so high, they have to save somewhere!

Have a good week, folks. Thanks for visiting and for your emails.
P.S. Keep a sweet young lady in your prayers too. I just received and email from her that her Mother passed away. Her name is Marcy.

Until next time, Blessings to you! Peace, Love, and Laughter to you all!
Becky :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday April 16, 2006

Happy Easter Everyone!

What a glorious day to celebrate life! What a gift!
I went to a Sunrise service this morning, then church at 10 a.m. Both services were great! Very refreshing and uplifting. When I do my next blog, I will share some of the sermon of the second service. It is called "Justified." Very good.

I saw a friend of mine yesterday as I was getting ready to end my shift at Dollar General Market. We met in the parking lot. I invited her to our home for Easter day. She was my matron-of-honor when Fred and I were married. We have remained very close friends all these 25 + years. She is a great, loving, and kind lady, not to mention the fact that she is beautiful too, inside and out.

We chatted the whole day, then had dinner, then checked out some websites for the medications she is on. is a really good website to check out things of that nature. Very imformative.

Herman the turtle is doing well and I am so glad he survived the winter. He doesn't seem much bigger than what he was late, last fall when he went into hibernation.

I love the warmer weather! It is so nice to have the sliding glass door, and some windows open to let in the wonderful fresh air.

Tomorrow I will be getting the last 100 pages of my next book to go over one last time. Then it will be off to the printer. Believe it or not, I still am not sure who will print it. But, of course, I will let you all know A.S.A.P.

I have my W.I.S.H. program tomorrow, then off to my other part-time job until 6p.m.

Have a great week!

Until next time...remember this: NO ONE can ruin your life...only if you let them! Be strong, set boundaries, be assertive, and stand up for your rights. Absolutely no deserves to be abused or have violence against them. NO ONE!

Be a survivor!

Becky :)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Palm Sunday, April 9, 2006

A blessed good morning everyone!

Today is Palm Sunday. Will it be a solomn day or a day of rejoicing when we reflect on the meaning of the day as Jesus rode into the city on a young colt/donkey? (Depending on the version of which Bible you read.) Regardless, He made the journey, palms spread before Him in his path towards the city. Can you imagine His anxiety, fear, apprehension...knowing what He knew that awaited Him? Yet He smiled at those kneeling, standing, bowing along the way. What love He had for all, knowing what was going to happen. How truly awesome and humbling, at least for me.

If you haven't yet seen, "Passion for the Christ" do so. It is a very incredible movie. Yes it has blood and gore, but then we can see that in any given day of programs on television...Law and Order, CSI, Forensic Files, and in books we may read.

HOLY WEEK is upon us. Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and then Easter. What a week to celebrate!

Have you ever read, "The Prayer of Jabez?" It is an incredible little book. So full of wisdom and direction. I truly savor this little book.

Author, Max Lucado, is an incredible writer. I have a lot of his books. One truly amazing book is, "No Wonder They Call Him the Savior." Great book!

My job at G.D. Market is going well. I have only messed up a few times...very hectic...very busy! I have to work today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Yesterday was quite busy also. I worked from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Whew! I have 33 hours in this past week. My body says it is tired. My mind says, "Keep can do this."

I have been picking daffodils and putting them in vases. I love their fresh aroma.
I did laundry yesterday morning at 5:30 a.m. I am doing another load now before I go into work. Father-in-law is bringing steaks today. Our first cook-out on the grill since last fall. Yeah! I will make a salad to go with them. Yum--Yum!

Keep praying for Tom and his family. Thanks!

Sorry this is short, but I have to start getting ready for work!

Have a blessed day!

Until next safe...laugh good to yourself!

Becky :)
P.S. I had my computer guy put a small excerpt of my next book under "Sequel." The next book should be finished in about two weeks, and then off to the printers! Yeah!
I'll let you know A.S.A.P. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saturday morning, April 1, 2006

Hi folks,
Correction of young man's name that was hit by a car and in a coma. His name is Tom.
I received an email from the people I met on the PA turnpike. They said he is waking up some but in a lot of pain and cannot tell them where and what hurts. Please continue to pray for TOM and all of his family.

I go to work today at D.G. Market from 9 to 6. Whew! This will be a busy day. I will be working more next week as two cashiers have quit.

Yesterday was beautiful. Today will be a little rainy and a high of 55 degrees. Tomorrow will be nice, but alas, I will have much to do. Laundry, sweeping, dusting, (Yuck!),picking up more pages of my second book for correcting, and father-in-law is coming. And yes, the time changes back! That means in the evenings I will get the chance, hopefully, to work out in my flower beds, yard, pond clean up, etc. I am soooo looking forward to it! Yeah, spring!!!

Have a super weekend folks!

My best to you! Peace, Love, and Laughter...such awesome gifts!
Becky :)