Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday morning, November 25, 2007

Hi, Everyone,
For those who have visited my website either by chance, choice, or from, I am very grateful and thankful!

I do believe I am going to cook steaks on the grill today! I love turkey, but okay, three days in a row is enough for a little while. The leftovers can remain in the refrigerator for another time! We did have a great day of feasting though and for that we are thankful. So many may have not had a meal, or even the fellowship of family and friends to share a blessed day.

How about the Peterson (cop-missing wife) case, huh? We have to wait and see on that one. Hmm. I'll be there is more there than we know as of now. More to come, I'm sure.

I tried the other day to send my webmaster guy a few pictures to add to this site and my other one website. My C.D. thing evidently has taken a dive, and is not opening any C.D.'s. Bummer. He has ordered me a new one. So, bear with me for a little while folks, and I will eventually get around to putting more pictures on this site and the one at authornation.

Hubby and I went down along side a section of our woods yesterday around 10 a.m. There was a not of pieces lying about that were left after the Power company went through the power cut and downed trees along the power cut. We dragged out and cut up wood and loaded the pull-behind trailer twice. Whew! A lot of good exercise for both of us. I certainly am glad I had on my long johns as it was quite nippy.

No sooner than we finished doing the wood, around 2:45 p.m., it was time for the dog's exercise. Around 4 p.m., the wind started and the cold seemed to go right through me. I came in early, as did hubby, around 4:15 p.m., and he started a fire in the basement fireplace. Boy, did it feel good. B-Bob the cat sure enjoyed it also sitting on my lap.

There is something to be said about being outdoors when it is cold. It sure is invigorating, yet at the same time, it can wear you out. Is it because of all the extra clothing, or is it because it is cold, or is it because of the exertion one's body is experiencing working in the cold with all the extra clothing. Hmm. Not sure, but I sure was pooped last night.

I painted the wall in the family room, hunter green. I have to add another coat today as the one coat of paint did not cover the white wall that well. I haven't decided what pictures, (ones I have taken), to put on the wall when it is done. It sure adds color to the room!

After that, I hope to get some decorations up outside as it is going to be a brisk, but sunny day. Unless hubby want me to help stack all the wood in the pile outside the wood shed. Hmm. Maybe his Dad can help him with that.

Right now it is 20 degrees, but the sun is shining brightly. Yesterday there was ice on the pond, and more than likely this morning. I have stopped feeding the fish. Today I will also put in the round pond heater as it is inevitable there are many days ahead that the pond will freeze over.

Today I have plenty to do. This week is going to be busy with work, meetings, gearing up for our annual Christmas party of friends, and keeping up with my website at authornation, plus this one and the one for the carrollcountyohioanimalprotectionleague. If you haven't visited us there yet, please do so. There is a lot of valuable information on there for pets, and we could use your help!

Have a blessed week folks. Stay safe, be good to yourself. You deserve the best.

Best regards,
Becky :)


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving morning, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!

The turkey is in the oven (8:08 a.m.), the tantalizing odors are emanating throughout the house. I have basted it four times, and will continue to do so until it is almost ready. Then remove the cover to brown it, pull it out, let it set a while to firm, and then it is "Feast Time."

I am thankful I have a turkey to cook, (thanks to father-in-law), and a table to set it on with all the trimmings. Some do not.

I am thankful I have a home to celebrate this wonderful day of being thankful. I am thankful I have eyes to see, (well, one at least), and ears to hear, the ability to move about freely without physical restrictions. I am thankful I have a loving husband and friends. I am thankful I have a job and that I get the opportunity to help women feel good about themselves and having the tools to help them strive to have a better life if they are open to it. (Not always, as it is always their decision.) I can only provide the "tools" to help them. I am only an instrument in the daily struggles they face alone or even worse, when there are children involved, they have to think of them too. It is so difficult for them at times.

I am thankful for my animals. They give so much without even realizing it. Their antics are forever causing me to smile. I am thankful for the ability to smile, which I try to do often. Some cannot for whatever reasons.

I am thankful I live in a nation that has so much freedom. I am so thankful for all the men and women who are serving, away from their families, so I may continue to live in freedom.

I am thankful for my family. There are so many who have no one.

I am thankful I have a car and money for gas. So many do not. For some, this is a constant struggle.

I am thankful for the choice and the ability to believe in a God who is awesome, loving, caring, and always present through trials, tribulations, joys, and sorrows. He knows our needs. He does provide. Thank you, God.

I am thankful for the ability to think and make decisions. Many cannot.
I am thankful for the clothes I have to wear. So many have very little.

I am thankful for this day for many reasons. I hope you can reflect on this day, and be thankful too wherever you are or whatever situation you are in.


Becky Conrad


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday morning, November 18, 2007

Hello everyone,
The website is really getting busy. They have over 900 authors/writers on there now. I am hearing from more writers all the time and it is really neat. I have even posted some of my poems from my sequel book, A BETTER DAY DAWNING.
This morning, very early, I typed an excerpt from my first book, THE DOOR OF FAƇADE on my website at

I received my critiques for both of my books I entered in the Writer's Digest contest. I am very pleased and encouraged. Although I did not win the contest, I did win in the fact that I gained valuable insight from the critiques I received. I will have them posted soon by my webmaster.

My friend, Sharen, was here most of the week. She did the cleaning, I did the painting. I have all the white ceilings done except for going along the edges. I did pick up a gallon of beige paint to do the computer room. The walls are "Cinnamon Toast" and I did not feel white would go that well. I have also decided to paint the wall between the family room and the dining room, hunter green. I might even do the back of the front door with it.

Thanksgiving Day is really moving upon us. Father-in-law will bring a turkey today he purchased and he will be joining us for the Thanksgiving feast I will prepare. I am looking forward to it.

Yesterday, hubby and I went down into our woods to look for more wood to cut and drag out. The neighbors across the way are having trees removed in the woods that joins ours, and the cutters are leaving the tops. There is a lot of downed wood available. A lot of it is cherry, with some oak here and there. Hubby says that wood will be good for next year after it seasons.

I had not been walking in our woods for a long time. It was fun, and also a sad time. Years ago, when we first acquired this property, we used to take all the dogs we had at the time down in the woods almost daily for a run and exercise. I have numerous photos of all of them down in the woods. I miss my big dogs, Bogie, Sasha, and Echo. They were all great dogs. I will have some pictures of them, hopefully soon, on my website-on the sequel section pages.

Now, because of the knee surgeries I have had over the years, it is more difficult to walk around in the woods. I have to watch my steps so cautiously, as I surely don't want to fall and break anything as I am getting older. Hubby is still young yet, and very agile. He did go slow so I could keep up with him. He is such a sweetie.

How about the "Patterson case" that is in the news? Hmm. Wonder how that will all play out eventually? Is there a similarity to Tracy Thurman? Remember her from a good while back? Her husband was a cop too, (many domestic violence calls there also), and he killed her in their front yard in front of their children. (Read, Ann Jone's book: Next Time She'll Be Dead" . Great book. I used this book as a reference when I wrote my thesis in college, where my writing career all began.)

I am trying to put more pictures on my website. Plus I will be adding more things, hopefully this week too so watch for them. I'll have my web-guy put a "NEW-flashy thing" on so you can tell it is newly added.

Gotta get more painting done. Be safe. Be blessed, and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse. It could save a life.

A very special person in my life had a birthday yesterday. I hope it was a good day for her.

Happy Thanksgiving and may you have many blessings to be thankful for.
Becky :)

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Something to ponder"

"Something to ponder" by Becky Conrad
Look in the mirror. Who do you see? Do you see someone broken beyond repair? Or, do you see someone worth fixing and saving.
Look in the mirror. Can you tell that person, "I am doing my best, but I need to do more. I need to be patient with myself. I need to deal with my anger, hurt, and the pain in a positive way to move forward. I need to learn to forgive."
Look in the mirror. Can you tell that person, "I'm climbing a very high mountain, three steps forward and one step back. But wait! I am still climbing. I must not give up."
Look upward to the heavens, beyond the azure sky. Be thankful you are alive. Your life is not over. It is just beginning on a different and challenging road. A road full of twist and turns. The road is call "life." Gaining knowledge can help me improve and deal with so many things on this hard road of life.
When you look into the mirror, tell yourself, "I am worth this new beginning. I deserve this new beginning. I will face today with a desire to accomplish something to help me grow. I will look forward to tomorrow with a new spirit. A spirit that cannot and should not be broken to please someone else who may take me back to a place I did not want to be."
When you look into the mirror, tell yourself, "I deserve the best. I deserve respect. I deserve a better life---so do my children."
Look into the mirror. Today is a better day. I will embrace it. I will be thankful. I am blessed. I am alive!
(I posted this on my other website at: too.)
Hi, Everyone,
I had a very successful book sales and signing yesterday at Border's in Medina, Ohio. The staff was so gracious and helpful. What a terrific store! What a great day! They invited me back.
I talked with many people who have suffered violence, stalking, and abuse in many forms. Their stories were so moving. My heart goes out to them. They are survivors, yet many are still dealing with the after-effects of it all. One person is trying to move on, trying to put it behind her. A sexual assault by a doctor she trusted. Yet she is still dealing with the trauma, waiting for the court systems to move forward with the case. I believe she is strong and will get through it all, but she will never be the person she was before.
A young man I met, I am so proud of. He was abused by his father. He did get counseling to realize that abusive behavior is not normal. Therefore he is on a better road now, not wanting to repeat the actions of his father. Praise God for helping this young man be a better person.
I met a woman who was stalked for eight years. She did not give up, but put her stalker behind bars! Praise God for giving her the courage to do this. She is a survivor!
I handed out literature to those that were open to receiving it. Some could not deal with it. That is okay. One person in particular welled up my empathy. She is a nurse and sees victims of abuse all the time. I could see the compassion in her eyes. She said she cannot read about it. I understand. It is difficult at times to deal with. Maybe another time perhaps.
I'm going to help hubby do more wood today. I'm making ham and bean soup this morning. We already went through the homemade chicken noodle soup this week. Father-in-law will be coming down today too. I'm still painting ceilings. Whew. What a job.
Stay safe, be blessed, get educated on domestic violence and abuse. It could save a life!
Best regards,
Becky :)

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Urgent need of your help to help someone!

Dear readers,
I received a letter from my supervisor at the Victim Assistance office regarding a woman in Galion, Ohio that was attacked, kidnapped, raped, and shot five times.
Here is the letter in its entirety.

Article in newspaper:
"On September 16th, 1994, Galion, Ohio resident Charles Shane Vaughan, armed with a 12-inch blade and a fully-loaded .22 revolver, kidnapped Maggie Maloy as she was returning solo from an early morning cross-country practice. Vaughan savagely raped her twice, attempted to strangle her, buried her under some brush for a time, and eventually shot her fives times. Finally, as she lay in a bloody, bug-eaten mess, he pistol-whipped her on the back of the head, able to elude capture until later that day. Though Maloy survived the vicious attack, she will forever had 3 bullets lodged in her body, two in her right lung and one in her head. Her right arm, initially paralyzed by a bullet's destructive path, is mobile but not fully strong or sensitive to feeling. Though several corrective surgeries to realign her shattered jaw were successful, a six-week liquid diet was necessary to sustain her nutritional needs."

In January of 1995, Charles Vaughan was sentenced to 103 years in prison following his no contest plea to two counts of rape, one count of attempted murder, and one count of kidnapping.


Charles Shane Vaughan's first parole hearing is to be held December of 2007. I, Maggie Maloy, ask anyone who's willing to write a letter to his parole board advocating on my behalf that Charles Vaughan NOT BE RELEASED. Charles Vaughan is not only a sexual predator but also a ticking explosive device...capable of things far worse than what you read above.


Please mail your letters to: Office of victim's Services
Suite 302
1050 Freeway Dr. North
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Letters may also be faxed to (614) 728-1980

In the top right-hand corner of each page of your letter, you need to insert the following information: Charles Shane Vaughan
A301950 (offender #)

DEADLINE - Please have your letters mailed or faxed by November 30th, 2007.

Words from Maggie Maloy: "This case received national attention. PLEASE disperse this information to whomever you feel would write a letter on my behalf and support the cause of keeping Charles Vaughan locked up. This is not about me; whether they know me personally or not is irrelevant. THE MORE LETTERS THE PAROLE BOARD HS TO READ THE BETTER! Hopefully Charles Vaughan will be locked up for as long as I have to carry 3 bullets in my body. Forever."

Please do this, readers. It coul save a life or lives.
Becky Conrad

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Saturday morning, November 3, 2007

Good morning, everyone,

It has been an interesting week. I have been posting things on my new website at and have had the delightful experience of conversing with new-found authors. I even posted some of my poems in the "Poetry Forum" section from my second book, A BETTER DAY DAWNING. I will do more this coming week as time allows.

Discovering new things on the website has been challenging, and also rewarding, and at times, frustrating. The most difficulty I have been having with it is reducing the size of pictures of book signings I have had at some Barnes & Noble Bookstores, and some Border's Bookstores. I have tried and tried but have not been able to upload the images as of yet, but I will keep working at it, and hopefully, eventually, it will happen.

Last Sunday I decided to take on a major project here at home. I started painting the textured ceilings in our home! Oh, my! What a job that has turned out to be! Whew. Last Sunday, after I was done with the first gallon of paint, I thought my arms were going to fall off, not to mention the burning pain in my neck and shoulders. But, after a day, most of it subsided and I was back to normal. Ha. Whatever that is. I had to wait until Wednesday, to start again. I got the rest of the kitchen done, then the dining room, and part of the family room. Hubby was so kind and showed me how to attached the paint tray to the ladder, and that sure helped.

Thursday the neighbor lady and I went to the stores in town, and then when I returned, I finished the family room and the small hallway near the back bathroom and spare rooms. The ladder is still there, waiting for me to start again. Once I get the ceilings painted, I will have to go back through the entire house and do the trim along the edges. Oh, my. That will be a major challenge.

I am looking forward to the book signing at Border's Bookstore in Medina on Saturday, November 10th. New doors are opening for me, and I am so thankful and blessed that this is happening. I hope to procure more book signings before the weather turns nasty.

Speaking of weather, it is supposed to snow on Tuesday, election day. Just flurries, but still, here we go with the start of winter. It has been fairly nice all week, and I even had the sliding glass door open while I was painting when the sunshine and warmth was coming through. It helped with the fumes too.

I work the election polls all day, and that will be a long day. Today the Democratic Presiding Judge in charge has to pick up the voting machines, call the poll workers, and set up a time and day before Tuesday morning's election so we can set up the machines. Hopefully she will call today sometime and we can do it tomorrow or on Monday night.

I will help hubby today bring out more logs out of our woods. He said there are several more down there to bring up. We sure have a lot of logs split and the woodshed is getting full. Carrying the pieces in the wheelbarrow and stacking them is my job.

On Thursday afternoon, and Friday afternoon, I spent some time clearing the front walkway to the front door of numerous flower plants that have died off, plus some around different areas around the house, garages, and the pond. Whew. I have so many flowers everywhere, and deadheading and clearing off places is very time-consuming. Hmm. Now that my body is older, (even though the mind is not), it is a physical challenge at times to get it all done and keep up with it all. Where does all the grass come from that has invaded the walkway along the front? Man is that hard to pull out! If I do a little at a time, before my back starts giving out, I should get it all done before spring!

I'm still feeding the fish, but that will end soon as the temperature goes down. The job of cutting back the pond plants is at hand, and it will be back-breaking as well. But, the benefits of the pond and all its splendor, outweighs the task.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website. Tell others, and share with them all the information here to help someone dealing with domestic violence and abuse. There are so many out there that need help and encouragment!

Be blessed, stay safe, and keep in touch.

Best regards,
Becky :)
