Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sun. morning, Jan. 25, 2009

Mornin' Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by this week.

I have been so blessed! I was able to contact Professor Elaine J. Lawless and received and email from her. She is the author of "Women Escaping Violence" which I mentioned in my last blog. She is willing to read my books. I sent them out to her on Friday. Yeah! Wow!

This week was busy trying to schedule book signings, putting together things for the D.V. Collaborative meeting coming up on Tuesday, CCAPL stuff for the Director's meeting on Tuesday night, checking on some land for the animal shelter, filing, making new files for 2009 to enter, and basically trying to stay warm too! The other day was great. It reached 40 degrees, but alas it is back to 5 above this morning. Brr! After some of the snow melted the other day, the yard is an ice skating rink after it became cold again.

We have a new President. Our new President, Barack H. Obama, will make changes. I also feel he has a monumental task before him of trying to make those changes necessary for our country to grow and prosper. For us to come out of the predicaments we are in, and for the American people to move forward, the time has come for change, not only ourselves and our mindset, but we need to get the government back on track, and the people need to have control of the government and a lot of its wasteful spending and their control in areas that they should not have.

This will not be easy, and it would be in the best interest of our Congress, for the people of the United States, to work with our new President. Time will tell if they are willing to do this and not focus on "them" but on "us."

The other day, right before we were going to exercise the dogs, I glanced out the sliding glass door and spotted a critter on the ground by the Maple tree. Well, it was a young Opossum. Was I shocked. They don't usually come out during the daytime! Maybe it was hungry and made its way to the bird feeders. Hubby went out to see if it would go up the tree, but it vanished! I did see tracks in the snow that went towards the planter in back of the house, and I believe the little guy?, walked along the stone hedge and made its way under the porch. Funny though, the dogs didn't seem to be able to smell it either. Hmm. Haven't seen him since though.

Have a great week, folks. Thanks for your emails and keeping in touch.
Stay safe, stay warm, and hurray we are almost through January!
Becky :)

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sun. morning, January 18, 2009

Hello, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by. Tell others about my web site so they can educate themselves against violence and abuse.

My-oh-my, what a cold week it was here. We had minus 10 degrees two morning in a row. On Friday the high was 5 above, then yesterday it was 10 above. I met a friend of mine at McDonald's for breakfast on Saturday, and it was minus 17 below over there! Bitter!

Even though it was cold as ice, the dogs played in the snow and had a good time. Now we are to get more snow through Tuesday. Don't know if father-in-law will make it down today or not. Hubby didn't have school on Thursday and Friday due to the cold temperatures.

We did venture out on Friday, as hubby had to go into the school to feed the new white rats and change their cedar bedding and feed them. He asked me to check on a "rat harness" so they could be exercised. I did find several on-line at PetSmart. A ferret harness that says it will work. I also visited a page dealing with training rats and that was most interesting! I printed it out for hubby. Now he has a new project! Walking his rats! Good grief. He'll probably let the kids do it with supervision of course!

I spent the time inside doing tax things. Making new folders for 2009 to enter data, and also totaled our taxes in the 2008 files and printed them out. That took a while. I also was able to make new bookmarks for book signings and speaking engagements. They turned out well.

Yesterday our phone went out at some time during the night. Had to call the phone company on my cell phone. Then the power started going off at different times all day so I was limited on computer work until last night it finally stayed on.

I talk to my sister almost every day. She said it was very cold in Tennessee. In the low 20's. Also my brother in Florida says it was in the 20's there. He lives during the winter time in the Palm Beach area and does get the ocean breezes so it is not as cold as other areas. Still, 20's in Florida is not good!

I started reading a new book. It is: "WOMEN ESCAPING VIOLENCE" by Elaine J. Lawless. It is comprised of many candid and true stories of women going through D.V. shelters (where she worked. Permission given from the victims/survivors to print in this book). I would recommend it for anyone still in the throws of abuse and violence. Plus, anyone who is out of an abusive relationship. Also for anyone else to educate oneself so as not to become a victim.

I have already started calling bookstores to line up book sales and signings for the spring. I'll have them posted as soon as possible. I look forward to an exciting year promoting my books and also trying to get the third book done.

I have had the opportunity to send my sequel to Australia, and also to Canada to two readers. Plus, I also sent one to Maine, Maryland, Missouri, and Englewood, Ohio. I'm anxious for their feedback on the book!

If anyone would be so kind to do a review on either of my books on I surely would appreciate it!
Take care, stay warm, and stay safe.

Becky :)

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sat. January 10, 2009

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by.

This past week has been one of a mixed bag-especially weather-wise and getting things accomplished.

Tuesday was our "Pot Luck" dinner and first meeting of 2009 for the CCAPL and wouldn't you know, the ice storm covering the area, hit later in the evening than predicted, so at the last minute, we cancelled everything. Our driveway, porch, walkway, and road was covered in ice. The rain was supposed to start around 4 p.m., but that didn't happen, so at 5:30 p.m. the ice was still accumulating and I was slipping and sliding while trying to load the car. Came into the house and called our Secretary and we decided to cancel the meeting and frantically called those who we knew were attending but didn't reach some of them. I worked the entire day (and days before that), preparing for the meeting. How frustrating! But, it was better to be safe and not risk life and limb for just a meeting. Those that did make it, said the sidewalk was solid ice at the meeting hall, and luckily they all made it home safely. Weather! It can be so unpredictable at times.

Last night when we were outside exercising the dogs, we had three of them chasing balls in the snow. Mandy, "The Snit" doesn't play ball. I think it is beneath her to do so.

Yesterday, the weather report was forecasting lots of snow in our area. It was supposed to hit sometime after midnight last night but now it has been changed to snowing the better part of the day. We may see as much as 8 inches or less.

I caught my left hand on the railing bracket last night going down to the basement to sit with hubby in front of the fire. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I did feel a snap/crack in my hand, but it didn't hurt at the time. This morning it is very sore and hard to move my ring finger on my left hand. Hmm. If the roads are not to bad, and the snow hasn't started yet, I may go into my Chiropractor and have him x-ray it to see if I broke something.

On Thursday of this week, I met my author-friend, Joyce Bishop Morris at the Lake Park Restaurant in Ravenna. The driving was a little slower than usual because of the snow-covered roads, but the State Route I was on was pretty good. There was an accident on the way I had to stop and wait for, but other than that it was okay.
We had a good meeting of "The InkPot" writers group, and are going to try and get together in the near future and develop a web site for our new group. Her hubby is quite computer savvy, and he can help us develop it. I will go to her house and spend the day there doing so.

I'm going to start soon on a manuscript by an another author as her "ghostwriter." She wrote a compelling detailed story of her life of violence and abuse. It is quite good.

Sure hope you all are looking forward to spring. The days are starting to get longer and that is a sure sign. Gotta get through Jan., Feb., and then March. The seed/plant catalogs started arriving a few weeks ago. I noticed yesterday in the local Drug Mart, the seed racks are up and full, ready to be chosen by prospective gardeners. Not sure why they put them up so early as no one can certainly plant outside now, but I suppose there are those who start their seeds inside. I tried that once, but the little plants that I did manage to grow were so spindly and always tipped to one side and then bent over after a while and just didn't look to good. I do better just planting them in the ground when the conditions are right.

I always get my spirits lifted when I hear from you!

Gotta go for now.
Stay safe, warm, and count your blessings.
Becky :)


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Thank you so much for visiting my website. I wish I could thank each of you individually, but alas I cannot unless you contact me through my website.
I had a review done the other day by Becky B.from the N. Olmsted Waldenbooks bookstore. Thanks, Becky! It is posted. I appreciate your comments and encouraging words. Email me please if you would.

Some of my goals for this year are to have more book signings than ever. I also want to donate to more libraries in different states. Plus, have more radio, television, and newspaper interviews. I also want to find a publisher for my third book and release it this spring or early summer.

I have been blessed beyond words this past year. I have met so many interesting people and I have new friendships come about because of not only being an author, but by meeting those who have read my books and how the books have helped them. Will I ever be on "Oprah?" or "Ellen?" Who knows. I would like to, so my books can open victim's eyes and they can learn it is "Not their fault" and they can survive and get a better life for themselves and their children. (I know I would donate a lot to different entities for domestic violence as I do even now, but in a bigger way.)

Company is coming back today to celebrate the day of a New Year. Then they will head back to Iowa and Nebraska. I'm fixing a feast again today! (I think I've gained about five pounds from all the feasting since Christmas, but that's okay. I'll loose it as soon as I get back on my normal diet routine.)

BRR! It was so cold with the wind! The temperature was 20 degrees and the wind-chill had to have been around 10! It is still very cold this morning.

The decoration are down and put away for another year. Christmas came and went so quickly. Not sure if it is because I am older, or just that time seems to fly anymore because I am so busy.

Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting. I hope my website helps others. That is my main reason for having it.

Have a blessed, safe, healthy, prosperous, and grand new year!
My best to you.
Becky :)
