Thursday, October 26, 2006

New dog-Stark State S&S-derogitory comments. Oct 26, 2006

Hi, Folks.
Well, we have another beagle. She has been named "Lucy" and she is quite a wild little thing. She showed up over at hubby's brother house. He kept her for four days and called all around. No one has claimed her. She is about 2-3 years old, very skinny, with fleas attached, (trying to get them one-by-one), and seems like a happy puppy. She has adjusted well so far, and loves to play with a ball. We feel she was once a house dog. She is also going out of heat, and it appears she has already had a litter of puppies at some time. She will be spayed in the spring! She and Clara play a lot, racing around and chasing each other. A slight tift occured yesterday over the rope-thing, but that was resolved quickly. Can't have fighting among the pack! She is going to the vet soon to be checked out for worms, heartworm, and given her rabies and other vaccinations.

I was at Stark State yesterday for a book sales and signing. It was good to see some of my former teachers that stopped by and got my second book. I was also able to see some other people that I had made friends with during my "college days." I was also able to talk with several women, young and middle-aged, about domestic violence and abuse. Some of them shared stories with me of their own experiences and how they got out and survived, yet some still need help in self-esteem and feeling worthy. I am so glad some of them are moving on and going to college to get a better life for themselves and their children. (I always take literature with me from the W.I.S.H. sessions to share with others. The more anyone can learn about Domestic violence and abuse the better!)

Today is store day with the neighbor and getting things done around here that need done.

It has been quite cold in these parts, and thankfully the wind died down yesterday so that when I got home, I didn't have to dress like an Eskimo while the dogs were playing and running around for their evening exercise. The day before, I had on so many clothes I could barely move! It was quite cold and brisk. Brrr. I do not handle the very cold well, but I like to be outdoors and play with the dogs and share responsibilty of watching all four of them romp and play and of course, keeping an eye on them so they do not get in trouble or go across the road or venture to far from our large yard area. Of course, Mandy, the little beagle, always goes into the field to search out voles, moles, etc. to pounce upon. She is such a hunter, at least she thinks she is.

Ya know folks, this is my website. I pay for it, and I do believe I have the right to post what I want-even critisism. I can take it. But, I will not tolerate nasty, derogitory, inflammatory, malicious comments on my website. It just is not going to happen! End of that story.

Thanks for the emails I received from those who saw the "news clip" on WTRF, channel 7. I appreciate your comments and uplifting words.
Get educated about Domestic Violence and abuse. It could save a life!

Gotta go. Lots to do.
Have a great week and don't forget to turn your clocks back!
Be blessed,

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 19, 2006 WTRF television appearance and link

Hi, Folks

Wow! What an awesome experience I had going to Wheeling W.Va., and talking with Leigh Ann Towne, anchor person, who did my story. She is a really beautiful and professional young lady with a lot of talent. She put me right at ease as soon as I met her. It was also good to see Jim Forbes again too.

The clip, "Everybody Has A Story" went well, and the clip was well done. It ran after the news at 5 p.m. and then at 11 p.m. (My apologies to those I told it would run at 6 p.m. Oops!- didn't know it was going to run at 5 p.m.!) Anyway, you can review the story by going to WTRF's website at and then the link, "Everybody Has A Story" on the home page to read the story.

Hopefully, by this exposure, it will be an initiative for someone to buy my books, and learn about the signs and deception, coercion, and all that goes along with domestic violence and abuse in may forms. My hope is that by reading my books, they will relate to their own situation, and take the steps to get out and survive and have a better life. It can be done. That was my main reason for writing the books.

Thanks to everyone for all your encouragement and uplifting words you have sent to me. I am blessed.

If you go to and read some of the "Customers-read Inside the Book" thing, those are from the first printings of my first book. It has been corrected and updated since June-2006, and is much better now.
Keep in touch.
God Bless,
Becky :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Television appearance WTRF, Wheeling, W. Va.

Hi folks,
Exciting news! I am going to Wheeling later today to appear on WTRF (Channel 7-Wheeling, W.Va.) television.

I was contacted by Leigh Ann Towne, anchor person, to do a segment called "Everybody Has A Story." It will be aired, hopefully, Thursday, October 19, 2006, after the 5 p.m., 6 p.m., and 11 p.m. news. Then again possibly on Friday morning at 5 a.m and 6 a.m. If not at these time or dates, I will let you know A.S.A.P.

I am so excited about this! God is so good, and leading me in another direction to get exposure for my books, and to hopefully help someone survive Domestic Violence and abuse and get a better life. They certainly deserve it.

Let me know if you get to see any of the segments.

Have a great rest of the week. I will let you know how it all went.

Be blessed, and keep in touch.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sad weekend, October 15, 2006- 5:30 a.m.

Hello, everyone,

Well, the numerous "porn sites" listed on my guestbook have been removed. I did contact the local Sheriff department too (besides the FBI), and printed out the seven (7) pages of them for evidence. There sure are "sickies" out there. But, I figure God will take care of them eventually. There is so much evil in the world, don't you agree? Kinda reminds me of "Sodom and Gomorrah times" does it not? I try to look for the good though. I can't ignore the bad, because it does exist, but, I do not dwell on it.

On a lighter note, my last book sales and signing went well. I was able to see a woman I knew a long time ago when I had my dog shop and I used to groom her sweet dog, Lacy. She came with her grandchildren, (sweet kids), and bought my second book. She looks great. A very lovely and classy lady. She is retired now, and enjoying life.

The weather has been very cold and very windy, and the chill factor was very brisk!
Even though the sun has been shining, it is still frigid! It is supposed to warm up starting Monday. Did New York get enough snow! Wow!

The leaves are turning and soon the autumn colors will be showing up their glorious panaramic displays everywhere. I love fall and all the neat smells that go along with it. I try not to think of what is to follow. I do not do winter as well as I used too. I have a tendency to become "hermatized" during winter. As I am getting older, sleep seems to come very early in the evening, as does the lack of light. Bummer.

On Friday, when I got home from work, hubby let the dogs loose for their romping and playing exercise. We had noticed the day before that one of the beagles, Hank, was having trouble going to the bathroom. I gave him some oil, to help him out, (not sure what he ate or got into), and thought this would fix the problem. Well, on Friday after I got home, changed clothes, and went outside to be with hubby and dogs, I noticed Hank was having trouble urinating and moving his bowels. This was not good. I called the vet's office right away and they said to bring him in immediately. When I got there, the poor little guy peed in the foyer of the vet's office before I could get him outside. He was straining and then I saw the blood in the little bit of urine on the foyer floor.
Again, outside, I could see more blood coming out, but not much urine. Finally, we were able to see the Vet, and she did not have good news. After she examined him, she said his prostate was quite huge, (about the size of a baseball.) Wow! She said it was very possible he had cancer and it was probably all through him. Well, this was a shock! He really had been okay up until the day before. She suggested putting him down, as there was not a lot that could be done. (This dog was one that we rescued over two years ago and brougth him to our place. He was an intact male, and because he was so old, maybe around 14?, we did not get him neutered.) I asked if getting him neutered now would help his situation, but she said, "Not likely, as the tumor was very large and advanced. When you can feel the prostate enlargement throught the abdominal wall, it was very advanced and very possibly in a short time it would explode his bladder." She said, "He was probably in a lot of pain, trying to urinate and not able to hardly at all, plus all the blood, and putting him down was the best thing."

I called hubby at home, and he said to go ahead and have the vet euthanize him, then bring Hank home as he would bury him out back with the other beagles in our pet cemetery. I said I would. I stayed with little Hankie while the vet gave him the shot. It did not take long and he was gone. It was very sad to do this. I cried for little Hanker, and felt bad at the same time that hubby could not be with him to say his good-bye.

We buried him and I put flowers-marigolds on his grave. For the short time we had him, he had a good life, running and playing with the other dogs, exploring and just being a dog. He was a sweetie. Someone, at some time, beat this kind little dog, because if you raised your hand/arm,(even to throw the ball for Clara), he would cower on the groung like you were going to strike/beat him. He never really got over this. Very sad. He is not suffering anymore.

Until next time, enjoy life, it is a gift. Be blessed.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Whomever posted all the "porn sites" on my guestbook, October 12, 2006, God is watching you and you will answer to Him, eventually. This is possibly something for the FBI to check out.
Sorry for the filth folks, I am going to have it removed A.S.A.P.
Back to you later on this weekend.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, October 9, 2006

Good morning, everyone,

What a beautiful, perfect weekend we had. Wow! The sky was so blue, the birds were singing their beautiful songs, and the air was so fresh, yet the smells of fall fast approaching were present. I went for a walk down near the woods in the early afternoon. My father-in-law had gone down before me, and I went down to walk with him but could not find him. While I was standing on the hill looking down in the woods, I spotted some movement near the end of our tree line. Pretty soon I saw about eight creatures scurrying across the open field. I thought at first they were coyotes, (I didn't have my glasses on), but when they started to fly, well, I knew then they were not coyotes---they were turkeys!

I am still trying to catch some fish out of the pond. They are really hard to net! Those little buggers see the net, then they vanish very quickly. I really need to thin out the population in our small pond. Miss Piggy, the largest of the bunch, gets so stressed in the spring at spawning time. I have rescued her several times. I know she isn't the only female in the pond, but she seems to get the brunt of all spawning when it starts. She is about seven years old now, and how much longer she can take this, I'm not sure. The goldfish seem to be the most aggressive ones. I did catch five the other day. It took me almost three hours to net them. I put them in the very large neighbor's pond down the road. It is huge and deep.

Hubby and I have talked about putting in a large one at the bottom of our field. There seems to be a underground spring that runs constantly, but a bulldozer would have to do the work, and it is quite expensive. Not a high priority right now. Maybe someday.

I have had some feedback regarding my second book. So far, those that have read it have said to me, "Great book." "I loved it." It opened my eyes to many things." "It is long, but very good." "You made me cry again, more than once."

Yes, it is long. Like I say, "It is my 'WAR AND PEACE'"- different war, different peace.

I have the day off from my W.I.S.H. job today because of Columbus Day, so I have lots of things planned. Lots to do and a beautiful day to drive around and get things done.

Have a good day and a good week, folks. Enjoy each day. It is a gift.
I appreciate all of you so much.
God's Blessings to you,
Becky :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oct. 5, 2006 - Domestic violence rally and vigil last night

Whew! Not sure what I did, but I think I hit the wrong button! OOPS!
Anyway, hello, folks.

I just wanted to let you know that I was so thrilled to be the "guest speaker" at the domestic violence and rally/vigil last night in New Philadelphia, Ohio. I felt honored and humbled at the gathering.
I suppose because of the threat of rain, not many attended, (about 50+), but those that were there, seemed very receptive to all that spoke. I met several people of Deb Baker's staff. She and her staff are very caring, devoted people to a very worthy cause. I was very impressed how organized and solemn the event was. Deb did a great job organizing and putting it all together. Great job, Deb and staff!
It was a very moving experience for me. I do hope my words spoken touched someone to assess their violent/abusive situation and seek help, whether through Deb's victim assistance office or going to a library and reading about violence and abuse; wherever they live.

Education is the key, here. We cannot hide it, hoping someone else dealing with it will keep it to themselves and not get other involved, or, somehow resolve their disputes/issues on their own. It is a growing epidemic in the United States and beyond. Domestic violence cannot, and should not be sugar-coated. Abusers should be accountable for their actions of violence against their victims.
Remember this, statistically, 90% of victims are women. The majority of batterers are men, but not all men are batterers! Thank God for that!

Do not let excuses such as: "I just lost it!" She really made me mad and I lost control." "She is crazy." I never intended to let it get that far." "She knows how far she can push me, and then when she does, I lose control. She makes me do that."

You know what, folks? He really is in complete control, at all times. He just pushed her too far that she had enough and she took control back of her own life, even if it was only for a brief moment. He, temporarily, lost his control over her. But then, when the abuser plays the systems, over and over, she forgives him, lets him back into her life, because she really, really believes it is all her fault, and she just has to try one more time to fix him/things, and he turns everything around and makes everyone think she is crazy, and needs help. Did you know that a victim goes back to her abusive partner at least SEVEN times before she either finally gets out, or dies? Power and control is what it is all about.

Unless an abuser, ABSOLUTELY admits he is abusive, gets help to understand why, sets a goal to change, takes responsibility for his actions, and if he doesn't, he will never change. Only 1% do. It is a vicious and sometimes never-ending cycle. The worst of it is, she does not have the power to get out, take her kids with her if there are any, and leave him. So many times they cannot see any light at the end of a dark, deep, cold, depressing tunnel. Where can she go? If she doesn't have any money, who will pay the rent if she won't let him back? Most of the time, he is the sole supporter. Often times, she is not allowed to work out of the home. Often times, he controls all the money, or spends it as he wants to, never giving her any, or if he does, he demands the change back. (Mine used to do that. So humiliating.)

I must tell you, I was able to meet a lady I knew a long, long, time ago. She is in the first book-Kate. She walked up to me before the rally began and introduced herself to me. She also had her friend, Carolyn with her. Carolyn has emailed me on several occasions regarding my first book. What a great surprise and honor to meet Carolyn, and to see Kate again after 30+ years. Wow! (I was able to talk with her in the early spring on the phone, though, and what a conversation we had!)

Because I was giving my speech in a short while, I could not let the emotions of meeting them get to me. I waited until I got home and then let it all go. God is so good. I am so glad we do not have any animosity or bitterness towards one another. It was another time, another place, and a dark place for both of us a long time ago. We did promise to get together for breakfast or lunch soon.

I had a couple friends attend, too. One is a lady that I have known for years when I used to work in the dog grooming shop. (It's in the book.) The other is a friend from S. State, who was my Medical Transcription teacher. She introduced me to her new friend, Eric. VERRRYY TAll guy. Handsome and sweet. She needs "Sweet" after what she has been through.

Another great thing happened after the rally. A young guy, maybe 20?, asked me to do an interview with the local radio station. That was great. He was a very nice young man. I got to hear the blip on the radio at 7 a.m. this morning. It was good, and a good blip for the rally/vigil as well.

This Saturday I will be at the local supermarket for a book sales and signing.
Check this out at the top of my website, plus the one at the Stark State bookstore. (My computer guy is so great at getting things posted for me.-Thanks-A.)

Okay folks, gotta go. I have sluffed off doing things for too long today, and must get some things done. Mainly, catch more fish in the pond to put them in the large pond down the road, then greet sweet hubby when he gets home.
Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for signing my guest book and your emails.
Would the "Karen" who signed my guest book, please email me if she gets a chance? I would love to hear from her. Maybe I can help?

My best to you!
God Bless
Becky :)

Domestic violence rally and vigil last night