Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sat. morning, June 26, 2010

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by this past month.
Goodness! Hard to believe almost a month is gone since I last blogged! I woke up at 3:15 a.m. and Tigger-cat thought it was time to get up, so going back to sleep was not an option. So here I am an hour later doing my blog.

I had a great visit with family in Tenn. Went different places, swam in the pool near my sister's house, went to a major dairy production farm, a Farragut history museum, had lots of great food and a good trip down. Coming back was nasty! It rained from Tenn. to Ohio, and so heavy at times I had to exit the Interstate twice. One accident held up traffic for about 8 miles and 45 minutes. Why do people drive so fast when it is so dangerous to do so! They must have so much disregard for human life, even their own to think they can drive 80 or faster when conditions do not warrant the speed they travel. Just crazy!

Hubby and I are working on one major project right now. We removed the old shingles from our old garage on the south side a week ago and he laid the new brown shingles by himself. What a job! I wasn't able to help him do that part because my foot at the time was giving me a lot of difficulty. Very swollen and hurting a lot. So I went back to Dr. L. this past Monday and he checked it and said it was healing okay but that it would swell and be sore the more active I am. Well, goodness, I can't just sit around and watch T.V., read, etc. when there is so much to get done!

So, on Thursday hubby and I removed the old shingles on the north side, then Friday morning took them to the dump, then got back and we were such a team getting almost half of the new shingles put on! He laid them down and I hammered the roofing nails. We are putting down the black felt paper as we go and then shingling over the paper. Actually my foot is improving as I am wearing my heavy supportive tennis shoes and it is hardly swelling! Go figure! So this morning I'm heading into the grocery store early this morning and when I get back, we will start on the other part of the roof after it is dry from the morning mist. It would be good to get it done today as possibly some thunderstorms are moving into the area later this afternoon. Even if we don't get the rest of the shingles down, we will still have to lay and staple the felt paper to cover the rest of the roof so water doesn't leak in below. Hubby also has to till the corn and potatoes and hill them up. The last storm knocked his corn sideways and he has to get it back upright and hill beside it.

Our next project will be a new floor for the back porch deck. Then after that is replacing the front porch, new stuff on the sides of the wishing well out front, then a concrete sidewalk from the driveway to the front porch. All the stones I laid back in 1997 will have to be removed. So many of my spreading plants have come up through between the rocks and it is so hard to keep up with weeding the walkway. It is like walking through a jungle! Speaking of a jungle, our pond is so overgrown around the walkway and down in the pond. I have yet to get into the pond and clean it out! Another major project for me!

Wilbur, the resident chipmunk, has been so busy with the corn from the cob on the trees for the birds and the sunflower seeds that drop on the ground, his has been burying them in my flower pots and in the yard! I mowed yesterday before supper and spotted numerous places all over the yard where corn is growing and sticking up everywhere! He is going to be one hungry chipmunk if he expects to find his stashes for winter!

Last Sunday, father-in-law and his girlfriend came for a visit and a cookout. My foot was giving me fits so it was good to just relax and talk with them most of the day. It was a very pleasant day and we spent most of the time sitting out back under the shade tree talking and watching the many songbirds that came to feed. Hubby worked on the roof. He had to keep going as rain was expected later or the next day so he didn't get a chance to visit until later on when the dogs were exercising and then during supper.

I'm having a WISH session on Monday. I may have two new gals but won't know until I go in on Monday and call them. It is harder to get women in during the summer months as the kids are out of school and they can't afford to get a babysitter to attend. So, I have it when I can if I have anyone wanting to attend. Usually I spend the day helping my supervisor with court things or answering the phone while she is dealing with victims or court.

I haven't scheduled any book signings as I have been so busy with projects around here and CCAPL fund-raisers! Plus, breaking my foot put me behind big time! But, this too shall pass and I will get caught up eventually. Maybe before winter starts!

Gotta go for now. Thanks so much for stopping by and it has been wonderful hearing from some of you.

Take care, be safe, and enjoy the summer while it lasts!

Becky :)

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Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday morning, June 4, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
I was very blessed to receive an email from a woman doing a project. Here is her comment: Your web page,, was very helpful for a project I'm working on. I also like the resource you provide, I found an informational resource about emotional abuse, which you might like to add to your page: . (I had my computer guy post this on the front page.)

I checked this website out and it is really great! It especially came in handy as I have a woman in my WISH group that has a daughter being abused by her boyfriend.

I know others visit my site and I can only hope and pray the resources I have on this website provide help to those who need it.

My foot is healing. The heavy,black 5-Velcro fasteners boot from my toes to my knee since the cast was taken off is cumbersome but does give me support when walking outside. I am slowly weaning myself away from it.

I'm leaving Sat. for my sister's in Tennessee. My nephew, who resides in China, is here for a 3 to 4 month visit with his Mom and Dad and sister and her husband, so I'll get to see him and spend time with everyone. I'm looking forward to it! I'm driving the eight or so hours. I'll take my time and stop as often as necessary to stretch my legs and keep my foot from swelling from all the sitting while driving. I should do okay.

We had three very bad storms go through on Wednesday night. We ended up with a lot of water in the basement! All the huge rugs down there were soak and the water even made it over to the pool table. This has never happened before and has caused quite a concern to us as to why this happened! Hubby will put out the wet rugs today while the sun is supposed to shine for a while, but another storm is coming today and again tomorrow. it will take a good while for all those huge rugs to dry out!

Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying the warmer weather. I love to hear the birds singing early in the morning and in the evening when I get the chance to sit on the back porch, to listen and watch them to and fro from feeder to feeder. Of course, Wilbur/Wilma gets in on the act too getting corn from the cob on the tree!

Take care, be safe, and tell other about my website to get help dealing with domestic violence and abuse.

Becky :)

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