Sat. morning, August 28, 2010
Hi, Everyone!
I sure appreciate your stopping by and visiting my website and for your emails! Glad to hear some of you are moving on and making a better life for yourself and for your children!
I have been so busy with so many things I'm about nuts! I got a new computer and have been working on getting acclimated to it. I don't have my printer hooked up even after a week as the USB cable that came wasn't the right one. So I'm heading back to Staples this morning to get the right one. I've still got the old computer and printer working (barely) to print things out, and the office room looks like a computer factory!
The CCAPL is working on a second Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction and I've been going everywhere getting door prizes and silent auction items. Plus, trying to get caught up outside with flower beds, pond, etc. At least the weather has been decent, although we sure could use some rain!
Hubby started school on Monday, and the kids started on Weds. He has three different subjects to teach this year. He managed to get all his projects completed this summer, and had some time left to relax, read, and we went fishing a few times. I caught several nice bass at different times but we didn't keep them. Now that he is back to school, I doubt we will go again.
Today after I return from Staples, we are going to dig some of the potatoes. It is going to be tough to dig even with hubby's new potato fork because the ground is so dry and hard! The dogs are into the garden big-time, scarfing anything they can find. Woodrow is obsessive with the potato patch and we have to watch him constantly he doesn't get to digging them up!
I talked with my cousin in Massachusetts last night. We had a good talk. For some reason she hasn't been getting my emails over the last year so don't know what is with that. More than likely my server. With dial-up (rural area), it is difficult at times to get and receive emails at times. Sure wish we could get DSL around here!
My birthday came and went and now I'm another year older! Sheesh! Were did the last 50 years go! Amazing how time flies!
The days are getting shorter, the evenings have been cooler, and many of the summer birds have left. Just the other day the Starlings were gathering on the power towers out back. Gosh, I sure am not looking forward to winter again! Although we have a lot of wood in the woodshed, hubby was just mentioning the other day about getting more. There are still many trees down near the edge of our woods to drag up, cut and split and stack.
I sure wish for you days of laughter, love and peace, and most of all to be safe. Recently one of my gals in my WISH group finally got her TPO from the judge against her ex-husband. Her ex was (and more than likely still is), obsessed with her and just wouldn't let her move on without him. I'm glad she has a new friend to concentrate on, but of course ex-husband is so jealous. I wish her the best to get a better life for herself and her kids.
All the critters are doing well, especially Tigger and Callie-Kitty. Callie is so beautiful and at most times loves to be combed and brushed.
Until next time, be safe and thanks again for visiting my website. Tell others so they can educate themselves on domestic violence and abuse.
Becky :)
Labels: etc., garden, summer winding down