Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by my website. I hope you get some valuable information here to pass on to others or use for yourself.

I have been so busy these last few weeks it has been unreal! Almost every weekend I've been doing fund-raisers for the CCAPL, and also trying to get the garden stuff done plus house stuff and flower beds, pond, etc. Tomorrow is the last day for freezing tomatoes. Even though I haven't been able to eat any all summer, because of my skin reactions, itching terribly, I'm still doing them up for various dishes this winter, especially veggie soup.

I had the opportunity to go to a domestic violence workshop yesterday and today in Massillon. It was incredible and so informative. My mind is reeling from all the information. I will sort it out and put it to good use with my victims/survivors that come to my WISH group sessions and others that I have the opportunity to speak to. Sometimes it is at the grocery store, post office or just about anywhere.

Some of the videos were really hard to watch, but they were all true stories of victims dealing with their abuse and violence and the outcomes. Some of the women died at the hands of their abusers.

I have been blessed with selling a few books here and there. Glad people still want to read them! I'll take whatever I can get. It is not perfect. The story is real and available to help someone.

I'm getting supper now and then have to get things organized for this weekend's fund-raiser on Sunday.

My father-in-law has to have surgery on his neck for a melanoma that was removed a while back. Sure hope they get it all this time. He goes on Tuesday.

Hubby is bringing him up to the fund-raiser for lunch. That will be good as they have a variety of delicious food... grilled Brats, potato salad, etc. Yum!

The critters are all fine and doing better since the weather has cooled down some.

I'm going to try and post some things from the workshop on my website ASAP so check back for more valuable information that will be added.

Also, check out the news article on the lady that was murdered in Dover, Ohio by her boyfriend. So sad she had to lose her life. Just wish it didn't happen but it does.

Learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse so you or someone you know and love do not become victims too.

Stay safe.
Until next time,
Best regards,
Becky :)
