Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012 - Two-day seminar

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by this past month. Sure hope you were able to find information to help you or someone you know going through domestic violence and abuse. Tell a life-maybe even your own!

I attended a two-day seminar for work this past week on Thursday and Friday. Author, Lundy Bancroft was the speaker all day on Thursday and what an incredible job he did! He sure knows how to assess and determine if someone is violent and abusive! (Of course I knew this from reading his books, but to hear him in person was such a blessing!) He even signed his book I use at work- "Why Does He Do That?" for me. Cool! I will try quickly to put all the information I wrote down and absorbed through the seminar to share with my WISH girls!

Please visit his website at: for valuable information and also to see the books he has written. If you can't afford to buy them, see if they have them at your local library. If not, ask the library to get a copy for you from another library!

The speakers on Friday was Lorraine Reed, mother of Stacie Reed who was murdered (stabbed twice in the heart), at the age of 16 years old. Her sister, Kristie (age 14) was also brutally attacked, neck slashed, raped, and left for dead in their home.
Lorraine established the S.T.A.C.I.E. Foundation (Striving Towards Achieving Compassion Intervention and Education). Website: Her story was so moving and also inspiring!

Also speaking on Friday was Detective Tom Leonard. He was the Master Detective at the time of Stacie's murder and Kristie's attack.  He was an excellent presenter and told the entire true story in great detail and PowerPoint pictures of how the attacks happened, the arrest of the 20-year old man who was found guilty on many charges, and eventually died in the electric chair eleven years later.

So, everyone, new information for you! Learn more and educate yourself and those you know or suspect are going through violence and abuse!

Until next time, please take care, be safe, and share my website with others so that can learn too!

Until next time,

Becky Conrad


Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Wednesday Sept. 5, 2012

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website!
Check out the new article on self-esteem on my homepage. Very informative and uplifting! The article was suggested by a student at the  Mesa Valley High School in Arizona. The students have been visiting my website and they love it! How inspiring and uplifting- thanks students!

It has been a crazy month around here!
Hubby came home from school on Thursday, August 23, with his first "school cold" and I got it too by Sunday evening. Wow- hit me really hard with bronchitis, laryngitis, flu, fever for 3 days, and didn't do a thing for four days! Sheesh. Got to the Dr. the next day and got the antibiotics. One more day to go with them. I guess there is a new (?) virus going around and it is nasty. The cough (they say) lasts for weeks!
I painted my kitchen before I got sick, and was in the middle of painting the family room when it hit me. So, that is on hold until the cough is over. (Dr's. orders.)

Been really busy in between being sick, with grants and CCAPL stuff. Had to cancel one important meeting due to sickness.

I have had a few gals for my W.I.S.H. groups and hopefully more coming next Monday to get help.

September 27, and 28, (for work), I have a workshop on domestic violence and abuse, and the guest speaker is: Lundy Bancroft!!!!! Wow! How exciting to hear him speak and to meet him! I'm taking his book, "Why Does He Do That?"- the book I use for W.I.S.H. groups and have him autograph it for me! If you have not read this book, you really need to! Mr. Bancroft explains everything about domestic violence, abuse, and power and control of an abuser. (I'm also going to offer my books to him.) 

I'm off and running this morning with many errands to do and places to go. I'm trying to catch up on stuff I had to put off while being sick.

We finally got so much-needed rain! All the critters here are doing well.
I'm taking tomatoes and corn to the nursing home this morning as I have done so many freezer bags of tomatoes, peppers and corn, I'm done with it! 

Take care and be safe!
My best to you,
Becky :)