Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday, March 29th, 2013 - Good Friday!

Hi, Everyone!
Thank you so much for stopping by and checking my website. I do hope you were able to gain knowledge with all the information I have on my website so you or someone you know can be a survivor!

I have read Author, Joyce Bishop Morris' book, "Running on Empty".

This is an incredible journey of one woman's plight and escape from domestic violence at an early age. I encourage anyone to read it and learn from it. It is most helpful in dealing with how many women, young and older, get caught up in the throws of domestic violence an abuse. This is the review I gave Author Joyce Bishop Morris on Amazon.

"A terrific book on survival, hope, encouragement, and beyond for victims of violence and abuse!"

I commend Author, Joyce Bishop Morris for telling her story of a life of domestic violence and abuse and for letting those skeletons out of the closet for the world to know that behind closed doors it is not always as it seems to the outside world. Many victims of abuse blame themselves (as others do also), for the life of abuse and violence and in some ways, think it is normal and even acceptable because they see no way out. I commend Ms. Morris for the tenacity, strength, and the enduring love of her children to get out of her abusive relationship and make a better life for all of them. Her book was filled with the lies, deception, rage, fear, blame, guilt, and anger so many victims go through with an abuser. Yet she persevered and her struggles to end the life of violence and abuse could only be gained by her stalwartly faith, undying love of her children, and the will to survive and move on and have a better life. Many times there are no happy endings to domestic violence and abuse. It is up to the individual going through it to educate themselves and their children and learn that violence and abuse is not acceptable. No one can change or fix an abuser, only the abuser can do that. We can only fix or change ourselves to have the better life we deserve. Thank you my friend, for your incredible story!

Becky Conrad- W.I.S.H. (Women In Safe Homes), Facilitator, and the author of "THE DOOR OF FAƇADE" and "A BETTER DAY DAWNING" (Books on Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Survival)

Ms. Morris' book is in kindle form, and you can download a "free" kindle from Amazon to read on your computer, unless you already have a kindle to download it and read it.

Happy Easter Everyone!
Take care, be safe, be strong, and be a survivor!

Becky :)

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Sunday March 3, 2013

Hi, Everyone,
So glad you have been stopping by my website! I sure hope you are getting some valuable information for either yourself or someone you know going through domestic violence and abuse!

I'm going to have my website guy add another page of information for all to consider reading. It is about the fact that when there is a missing parent in the home (father especially, has been removed because of domestic violence), and the sad fact that the children do not understand and sometimes (more often than not), take over being the "absent parent." Plus, the emotional devastation they feel when their "daddy" is not around and they do not understand why.

The other day I met a woman who is in charge of the special programs for a local church. She has the Victim Assistance office to speak on April 27th., so my boss and I are going. We get to speak over an hour each- well I can do two hours easy---so much to share! Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. She also bought my first book, so I am anxious to know what she thinks of it after reading it.

Snow, snow, and more snow- and cold! This morning it is 18 degrees. We've been bundling up each afternoon for the "dog's time" and it has been very brisk! The dogs love it though and just have so much fun. Hard to believe Woody is 17 years old! I remember when we got him as a young pup about 3 months old. He is hubby's buddy. Woody, Clara and Lucy will be going into the vet's office to get their teeth cleaned this spring when the weather breaks and it is a little warmer. They won't be happy about it but it is best for them.

Glad January and February are over! March can be a little tricky weather-wise so who knows what we will get this month!

If you have tried to go to the website, it is down and has been for a good while. They are working on it to get it up and running again soon. All I can say is, check it now and then to see if it is up and running.

I've been really busy with work, CCAPL things, and inside-the-house projects. The normal sweeping, dusting, etc. never stops, so I don't even include it in "chores-to-do". It is endless and always will be!

Looking forward to spring and getting started cleaning up flower beds and yard from winter's wrath! I'm going to have my friend's son help me with many things to save my back and he is young and strong. I will keep him busy for a good while! Nice young man, and very polite and a hard worker!

Please take care and be safe. No one should be a victim of domestic violence and abuse.
Question: "Do you want to be the "doormat" or the "door knob?"

You have many choices to make in your lives, and being a victim of domestic violence should not be one of them. Yes, it is so hard to leave, but in order to survive and have a better life, it may be a choice you have to make for yourself and your children. Be a survivor!

My best to you,
Becky :)