Sunday June 1, 2014
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website. My hope is for you to learn about domestic violence and abuse and not be a victim but a survivor. Please pass on my website to others so they can be survivors too!
One of my survivors came into WISH last week. She was somewhat depressed as she is getting a divorce from her abuser after some 50+ years of marriage. She said, "I thought when one door closes another opens, but I can't seem to see the open door." I said to her, "Well, sometimes we have trouble finding the door knob to the open door!" Well, this cracked everyone present up and they agreed, this can be the case sometimes. So, for those searching for the open door, try to find the door knob first!
Well, first off, I messed up my neck and shoulder pretty badly while lifting rocks out at the pond in our back yard. This happened the end of April, and it took a month to get better. Thanks to my awesome chiropractor and the many deep tissue massages by Cindy. She is so good as is Dr. M.! Much better now! But, still have to get the pond back in shape from the harsh winter that took its toll on it.
I've been really busy with CCAPL fundraisers! We just finished up Tuesday after our 3-day Memorial weekend rummage sale. wow-many people, many items, and it is over for another year! It takes at least seven days to prepare for it and then boxing up items left for our storage unit for next year. We have such great volunteers who helped tremendously pull it off.
Our poor Lab-mix (11 years old), Clarabelle is in bad shape. A couple weeks ago she started acting strange. Lethargic and just not wanting to play with Lucy the Beagle or fetch her ball or anything. I took her to the vet and she had a temperature. He put her on antibiotics and did say her kidneys were enlarged. After a little over a week, I did not see much improvement so he ran a complete blood work panel. The results showed her liver is not good. Whether there is cancer or a tumor involved, we don't know. So he has ordered a medicine for her to start taking this Wednesday after it arrives. He said it is a 10-day dosage and then another blood test will show if the liver has improved or not. This also affects the kidneys (they were larger than a couple weeks ago), so it does not look good for our sweet Clarabelle. He is giving her a 50/50 chance to improve. We will wait and see.
Hubby is done with school now for the summer. Friday was his last day. We have many projects to do around the house, but will also get in some fishing soon too before it gets to hot. Looking forward to that and spending time with him and maybe taking some "one day" trips to different places.
With all the rain the past weeks, the garden was a muddy mess. I FINALLY got all my plants in this past week. Planted the sweet potatoes yesterday, so I'm done with the planting. Hubby checked and his 1st. corn he planted a week ago is coming up. Now it is supposed to rain the next four days, so he'll probably wait until another week or so to plant more. He did manage to get his potatoes in, and we have to keep a sharp eye out for Woodrow in the garden digging them up!
I'm going to continue my WISH groups through the summer on Mondays and some Thursdays evenings until about August, and then take some time off.
Please stay safe and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse. It could save yours or someone else's life!
Take care all and stop back when you can.
My best,
Becky :)