Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday morning, April 25, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it! Pass on the information of my website to someone. It could save a life!

I'm looking forward to being in Massillon, Oh. on Sat. May 1st. I'll be handing out literature on D.V.

Friday, a week ago, I was meeting a gal to pick up her flower bulb order for the CCAPL in Malvern. She pulled in and I drove over to her vehicle and I had no brakes! Well, I had to drive back to Carrollton without brakes and that was really scary. I did manage to get a green light at the major intersection then slowly (in 2nd. gear) went down the street towards the other State highway I had to take to get to the repair garage. There was a dump truck pulled into my side of the street and he proceeded to take up the whole street and back into a driveway where there was a sign that said, "Fill Dirt Wanted." I was now in first gear and coasting towards him. I got within 10 feet of his truck before he cleared my side of the road! Traffic was coming on the other side and I had no where to go! Sheesh. Then as I was talking to my husband on my cell, (suggesting I use my emergency brake if necessary to stop), I approached the other state route. Luckily there wasn't any traffic coming and I went on around the corner onto the state route. Slowly I made my way up to the driveway to the auto shop and got in the parking lot. I just started shaking all over when I finally got stopped! Thank you Lord for getting me there safely. Whew. That was quite an experience. I never had a brake line break before and it was very scary!

The weather has been really decent, rather cool, but warming up, and I've been trying to get things done outside in between so much other stuff. I spotted a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak yesterday. Soon the Orioles will be back. Hubby made me a neat feeder with a roof to attach orange halves on each side with a place in the center to put the jelly dishes. The Red-Bellied Woodpeckers love the oranges and jelly too. We hung the feeder out in the Oak tree near the wildflower garden. I haven't heard the Wrens yet, and they should be back soon too. I put up two more bird houses for them. I did spot a Red-Headed Woodpecker the other day going after the corn on the tree. Of course Wilbur (Wilma?) has been busy getting his/her share too!

I've been cleaning out the muck in the pond slowly and putting it in the garden. Haven't planted anything yet, but I plan on putting in the onions today. We were supposed to get a big rain storm last night, but nothing came through. Bummer. The pond could use some fresh water besides what I've been adding with the garden hose.

Callie Kitty is really growing and getting so pretty. She has a tail that is so full and fluffy. She is quite the character and has a great personality. She and Tigger play all the between napping of course. She is till into the Kleenex and toilet paper!

Found out on Friday a gal that went through D.V. with her husband last year has finally ended the relationship and has gone into hiding. She served him with divorce papers while he was in jail. A very bad incident happened to her earlier in the week and she is now done with the relationship. I hope she stays safe and is able to get her life back. She deserves it.

I don't know when I'll be able to blog next...really busy with CCAPL stuff and work too. My boss wants me to attend a D.V. workshop in June, so I'm looking forward to it. I think it is in Mansfield, Oh. The more I can learn the better to help others.

Take care, be safe, and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Becky :)

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thurs. morning, April 1, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by these past few weeks.

This is Holy Week. A week to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! How blessed we are to know He sacrificed His life for us and for our sins.

Did you know some misguided individuals are trying to get Good Friday changed to being called "Spring Day?" Slowly by slowly, our Lord and our God is being extracted from us. But, can they extract Him from our hearts as believers?

The kitties are doing fine. Callie is getting so beautiful and fluffy! Her tail is like a plume! She and Tigger play a lot when they aren't napping!

I'm having some back problems. Going to see an Orthopedic Surgeon on April 8, for my back. I had an MRI done two weeks ago. When I stepped in the snow-covered hole Dec. 19, last year, I guess I herniated to more discs in my back along with the two I already had. So, I'm going to see what the surgeon recommends. I will not let them operate on my back! I'm hoping he can suggest therapy or exercises. Also, my Chiropractor is starting some deep tissue/muscle therapy this morning along with adjustments and see if this will help too. I'm hoping it will. The pain is 24/7 and I am such a busy person to be "on hold" and not being able to do much because of my constant pain it is getting to me mentally! I have so much to do outside in my flower beds, yard work, inside spring cleaning, but it will all have to wait I guess.

The weather has been beautiful these last few days. Warmer temperatures sure feel good! I picked some Daffodils yesterday and they smell so lovely!

I was able to net 18 fish out of the pond and take down the road to the small lake of our neighbors. We have too many in our little pond. I'm going to try and net some more soon.

I went to the office on Tuesday to support one of my WISH girls who had a bench trial about her case. She was arrested for D.V. (He should have been but of course the jerk he is twisted it around and had her arrested.) Anyway, she had to plea to a "disorderly conduct." She was devastated as is understandable to plead guilty to something she didn't do. She is a terrific, beautiful, young mother of two adorable children and hopefully she will eventually get beyond this mess and get a better life for her and her children after her divorce is over. She is working part-time now, and wants to go back to college. She faces a difficult journey ahead of her, but I feel confident she will succeed in whatever she attempts to better herself and her life.

Until next time,
Be safe, count your blessings, and have a great month of April!
I'll try to be back soon.
Becky :)

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