Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2010

“Celebrate Christmas” —by Becky Conrad ©

Celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ
Celebrate Christmas, the One who gave us life.
Laughter, joy, sharing and caring,
A day of family, celebrating need not be wearing.
Peace on earth is in our hearts,
it can only begin with me.
Peace on earth, is within each one of us,
with the tenderness and love of Thee.
He can sustain us, beyond our understanding,
He can lift us up, that our hearts can soar,
beyond the stars, the heavens, beyond time.
We need not want for more.

With each new sunset, and each new dawn,
if given the privilege, peace on earth within, can be mine.
So give a hug and a warm smile,
Wrap His love around you.
Savor the memories of days gone by,
Revere in the future of loved ones nearby.

Celebrate today!

It is a free gift of priceless treasure,

An eternal gift to cherish beyond measure.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday morning, Dec. 21, 2010

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!
Well I finally am feeling better. Had to go back to the Dr.'s last Friday and get more antibiotics. I'm allergic to so many, so it is difficult to find one that works and helps me. Plus, Dr. also put me on prednisone to help fight the pneumonia.
So far it is all helping and I am feeling much better. Company from out-of-state is coming this weekend and I'm sure glad I'm better.

I felt good enough to go into work yesterday morning, so as I was traveling to work, on the State Route I take, about halfway to town, within seconds, a doe came at me and hit my van almost head-on! She crashed into the right front side and knocked out the two headlights, cracked the bumper, and bent the fender. I stopped right away, backed up and got out of the van. The impact threw her to the side of the road on the bank. Poor thing. It took about a minute for her to die. I called hubby on my cell phone to tell him about it and then went into work. Not a good way to start the day, but hey,I feel blessed and looked after because she could have come over the hood and into my windshield!

So, now that is both of us that got hit by deer in the last two months. Hubby's vehicle was over $1900.00 in damages. Mine isn't as much: $1,000.00. I have to take it in on Sunday afternoon for them to fix it next week.

I had a new girl for my W.I.S.H. group yesterday. I was so glad she came in. She is dealing with a lot of low self-esteem and really needs someone to talk to. I'm glad I was there for her.

On the way out, I was so blessed to see a former survivor and W.I.S.H. participant coming in the door! We hugged and exchanged emails. She is doing well and has remarried. I'm so happy for her!

Gotta get going early this morning. Hubby and I are going to town for errands and store, hair cut for him, and food supplies for this weekend for the big "Christmas Turkey" dinner.

Callie-Kitty has a new thing she does now. She brings me her little green mouse and we play "fetch" back and forth for about a half hour in the evenings in the family room. At least it wears her out a little and she sleeps better during the night and so do I! Ha!

Take care, stay safe, and I'll be back soon.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sat. morning, December 11, 2010

Hi, Everyone!

Well, first off I apologize for not responding to emails sent to me since August! Only a few have come through. For some reason my server has not forwarded my emails from my website since then! Very strange! So, I contacted my web guy, and he found the problem. When I checked my emails, there was almost 100! Sheesh. Some of it was trash of course, but some of them were from my readers and from a couple bookstores wanting me to come for a book signing, etc. I feel really bad I didn't know of them to respond. I did so this morning.

So that taken care of, and I know now how to access them from home, I will keep up with them from now on. Forget trying to use the server I have, (dial-up for now until DSL comes to this rural area), and I will hopefully get a better server when this happens. It can't be too soon!

Winter is upon us and it is been very cold and snowy...with more to come Sunday night for three or four days. Father-in-law and his girlfriend are coming today for a visit and I'm fixing a ham with all the stuff to go with it. We will probably eat early as they will have to head back to Kent (where girlfriend lives), and if the weather starts changing later today, then dinner will be done and over with around 2 p.m. We will have a good visit and probably play some cards. They love to do that!

I've been sick for a week. Flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc. I finally decorated the Christmas tree yesterday but have done nothing else. No lights up outside, or much done inside. I just don't have the energy to do so. I wasn't even out of the house for almost a week with hubby and the dogs in the afternoon because it was to cold and I was coughing up a storm. I slept last night almost through the night without waking up and having a coughing fit for hours. Sheesh. It makes me really tired. But, this to shall pass, and I feel pretty good today. Maybe I'll get those decorations up after all!

My W.I.S.H. group sessions have been going well. I believe three of the gals in my sessions are starting to realize they can have a better life, but it will be up to them to change it and set better goals for themselves. I had the blessing a couple weeks ago on a Monday when two of my "graduates" came in and shared their stories with the gals that were there. I think those present learned a lot from them telling their stories and how they dealt with their abusive husband and boyfriend. It just fills my heart with so much gladness when the girls come back and share their accomplishments and to see how great they look and how wonderful their life is better.

Hubby and I agreed this Christmas not to exchange gifts but use the money instead to help needy families in the area. I even talked with my family, and hubby's family and they are okay with this decision to not buy gifts for each other but use the money also for needy families. We are fortunate to be able to do this, and hopefully it will help some families have a better Christmas. There are so many hurting and struggling today. Christmas is too commercialized today anyway, and the meaning of Christmas has been almost lost. All they talk about on T.V. is the "retail sales" and no one seems to mention about the birth of Jesus and why He was born to save us.

Crazy world we live in today and it isn't getting better. But, if one person can share love and help to another person, and let them know Jesus loves them, it will help. Jesus has to be crying to see so much evil in the world.

Gotta get going now to prepare for the company. Better sweep and dust too!
Take care, stay safe, and thanks again for stopping by!

My best to you,
Becky Conrad :)

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