Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hi, Everyone,
I haven't been able to do my blog for a few weeks as I had a major crisis with our elderly neighbors. The siblings got that mess resolved and he is in a nursing home now. He attacked his wife, (he's been violent and abuse for years with some dementia and psychotic mental issues - 92 y.o.), and now he is finally where he needs to be to keep her safe. Maybe she can enjoy what years she has left in peace.

Hubby and I are having a 30th. anniversary party here at the house on May 14th. and we are looking forward to family and friends attending. It should be a grand day!
My sister and her husband are coming up from Tennessee and that is so cool! They haven't been up her in quite a while and if elderly Aunt and Uncle can make it, it will be a "family reunion" of sorts too. My brother and his girlfriend, and his daughter (my niece and her family) are coming too. Hopefully our cousin as well can make it. Cool.

The rain is not stopping! The grass in the yard is getting very high, and we just can't get it mowed as it is way to wet. Hubby may have to use the brush hog to mow soon! Sheesh.

The tornadoes have just been unreal in many areas and May is the worst month. So please pray for those folks who have lost their loved ones and everything else.
I can't imagine what they are dealing with. So sad.

I posted a video of Callie-kitty fetching her mouse on YouTube. My first video!
It is cute. I've been throwing her mouse for about a half hour now since I've been on the computer doing work. She just loves her mousie!

I've been really busy doing things for the animal organization I belong to. We are trying to schedule fund-raisers (weather permitting) to keep raising funds for various projects we have on the agenda for this summer on our land.

The beautiful yellow Finches are so abundant this year. I counted about 30 of them at the feeders in the last few days. Plus, hubby noticed the Baltimore Oriels are back too and I must pick up some oranges soon for them. I did put out Grape jelly in the special feeder, but they sure love oranges too!

My boss and I are speaking at a local church this Sunday on domestic violence and abuse. We spoke a few weeks ago for the retired teachers and it was a great presentation. (At least that is what they said about it!)

Well, I have to go now, many things to get done today for the fund-raiser tomorrow and the speech for Sunday.

Take care, be safe, and thanks again for stopping by. Keep in touch. Love to hear from you as always,

Best regards,
Becky :)


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sat. April 2, 2011

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website. I hope you can use some or all of the information on this website to help yourself or others you know be a survivor of domestic violence and abuse.

Spring has been teasing us. A couple weeks ago, the weather was decent and I started clearing out some of my numerous flower beds, but then the weather forecast talked of snow coming, so I stopped. Darn. I really need to get those beds cleared for the flowers to get through! So, now I guess it will be next week instead as warmer weather is coming back. It has snowed three days this week and the temperature has been quite chilly. Not to bad if the wind isn't blowing, but not nice when it is.

My ribs are finally healed and that is a relief! Of course my back is another matter, but I try to take it slow and easy and not overdue it.

Mandy, our old Beagle, isn't doing well. She somehow hurt her neck, and her back legs are not working well either. She gets around, but very slowly. Hubby made a ramp into her dog box and that seemed to help her. The vet says she has degenerative myelopathy in her spine, and it will get worse. She is taking medicine for it and it has helped her some. She is about 17 years old, so it will be a matter of time before a decision will have to be made if she gets to the point of not be able to walk or get around.

It is so neat to see the some of the birds returning for spring and the male Yellow Finches are starting to get their bright yellow plumage. Robins are everywhere, and the Buzzards are back! They came back on St. Patrick's day, March 17th. Amazing how they know when to do that as it is with all the other birds that migrate. Isn't nature wonderful?!

I have been so busy with grant writing for the CCAPL. I finished up the third one yesterday morning and sent it out. Now I have several big ones to tackle and they will take a while to get them together and done in the next few weeks.

I did an "Information Fair" at a local school for the Victim Assistance Office last Saturday. I talked to various people, handed out literature, sold two of my books, and encouraged and invited some individuals to come to my WISH group. One young lady did show up and that was a blessing. She is dealing with abuse in many forms.

I had a new gal yesterday too. She is in an abusive situation and really needed to talk with someone. We had a good session. I hope both of them are able to come back to learn more and to feel better about themselves and get out of their abusive relationships or at least learn how to set boundaries, say "NO", and be assertive in their lives.

Abuse is solely the responsibility of the abuser. The abuser can justify their actions all they want to, and they do, blaming everything that happens to him on her, and as long as a victim allows it, the situation will remain the same. Once she stops allowing it to happen to her, that is when things can change for the better or for the worse. She can make the effort to change herself, because she will never change him. He has to be willing to do make the change and many, many times they just do not want to do that. Abusers do not want their victims to get educated as this will cause them to lose their power and control over a victim. She has to decide to stay or leave. It is tough most times to make this decision. Fear is the biggest factor and they fear covers a wide variety of reasons. (See the "Why Does She Stay?" on my website.

I have to go for now. Stay safe, and think spring! Thanks for stopping by.
My best regards to you.
Becky :)
