Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2011

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by!
I appreciate your emails and uplifting words of encouragement regarding my books.

I have been invited to speak at the Cleveland Clinic from Noon to 12:45 p.m. to the group of domestic violence and abuse committee, and others who may attend within the Cleveland Clinic. This is quite an honor for me and I am looking forward to sharing my experiences and knowledge. I hope to inspire and motivate them to reach out to victims/survivors they deal with.

Wendy Brewer, Manager of the Joseph-Beth Bookstore in the Cleveland Clinic, was instrumental in procuring this speaking engagement and book signing and I am so grateful for her confidence in me to present and also have a book sales and signing at Joseph-Beth. Thanks, Wendy!

I have been so busy with so many fund-raisers for the CCAPL. We broke ground on our property on September 13th. We had a ceremony on Sat. Sept. 17th, and are looking to the future to procure funding to build the animal shelter. Our goal is 2013, or before if we can raise the funds to build it and then maintain it!

The summer has ended and frost is predicted for this Saturday. I'll have to get the peppers picked and anything else before it hits. I may not go to the Farmer's Market as it is going to be so cold. I get there at 6 a.m. and stay until Noon. Brr! The high is only supposed to reach 50+ degrees for the day!

Hubby is doing well with the kids at school. He doesn't have Freshman this year and this has reduced his stress level quite dramatically!

The cats are fine, the dogs are fine too and still searching for anything in the garden to eat! Woodrow is still searching for any potatoes we may have missed! Clara and Lucy are still swiping tomatoes when they get the chance!

I've had some good group sessions lately in my WISH group. Many women hurting and dealing with the acts of violence and abuse in their relationships.

Gotta go for now.
Thanks again for stopping by. Be safe, and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse so you do not become a victim!

Best regards,
Becky :)


Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sunday morning, Sept. 4, 2011

Hi, Everyone,
Well, the CCAPL didn't win the 25K in August, but we sure tried! So, now we are in the running for 50K at PEPSI REFRESH EVERYTHING PROJECT! The 50K would go towards building the animal shelter on our property. This would help us tremendously!

So if you voted for us before, thanks! Now go back and vote for us again, please, and help us win it! Link:

Voting is for the whole month of Sept. and ends at midnight on the 30th. The surveyor put the stakes in the ground on Wed. morning. I happened to drive by and saw them, so now we are waiting for the contractor to start our next project on our land, hopefully in the next week. Very exciting to get something done on it so the public can see we are trying to make progress!

Yesterday I grilled hot dogs all day at a local grocery store outside for the CCAPL's hot dog stand. Whew! The temperature on the bank hit 96 degrees! Other volunteers were there throughout the day and it was very hot and humid. (We drank bottles of water!) We did good in donations, but hot dog sales were down from the last time we were there in July, but, it all counts and adds up so we had a good day! Talked with many people interested in our cause and promised to vote for us on PEPSI and considered joining or organization too!

Company coming today. Going to be cooler, that is a good thing! The leaves are dropping off the trees, (it has been so dry), and fall is on its way. Hopefully it will be a while until the first frost hits. Hubby is going to dig up the potatoes, and Woodrow will be thrilled as he loves them. He will spend countless hours searching for any we missed! He has a great "nose" for them.

I love fall with the cooler weather and the colors, but know that just around the corner is winter. So, hubby and I will be preparing for it soon. We'll be going into the woods to haul dead trees up, cut up with the log splitter, and stack once again in the woodshed (my job) for the fireplace downstairs in hubby's "Man cave".

I talked with the gal the other day in my last post, and she is doing okay. Good to know she and the children are safe.

Haven't heard from the book signing place yet, so I might give them a call this week to see if I'm going to be on the schedule.

I'm going to freeze some tomatoes today, and get caught up on other things, plus, watch the Indian's game. They have had so many injuries to their top batters, but they sure keep trying!

Take care, be safe, and thanks for stopping by!
Becky :)

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