Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tuesday noon

Greetings to everyone.

Well, I have to tell you, the "Book Fest" in Bellevue, Ohio was incredible! I learned so much!
The Book Fest itself was run very smoothly and efficiently. It was very well organized. There were 75 tables of authors such as myself, selling and promoting their books and wares.

I met so many nice people and including other authors, especially at the "Author's Party" on Friday night. The valuable information I was given, (I did take notes), will hopefully allow me to improve my sequel that I am currently working on.

My many thanks, especially to Ken and Captain Frank, for their valuable information and insight in the writing world. My eyes were opened wider.

On Friday night before the Author's Party, I decided to get something to eat at the restaurant in front of the hotel. I cannot drink anything with caffeine after 5 p.m., so I ordered decaffeinated coffee. Well, I think the waitress got the wrong pot, as I was awake the whole night! Yes, I never slept at all! I was a little incoherent and in a semi-zombie state by seven in the morning when Janet and I went for breakfast, but after getting my high-test coffee, and a good breakfast, I was ready for the book fest.

The whole day was one of meeting so many people, talking to them about my book, and my job as a facilitator for women coping with domestic violence and abuse that go through the court system. Some people looked at the pictures I had on display of things from the book, the poster showing my book and the sequel, and the suggestive reading books I had on the table too.

So many people, bless their hearts, had so much compassion in their voices, not only for my writing the book, but for victims of abuse and violence as well. Many shared stories of themselves, and people they knew that have experienced violence and abuse in many forms. Some people were still dealing with it, others have moved on. Some people picked up the free literature I had on the table with information on What is Abuse?, What is Domestic Violence?, Why does she stay?, to give to someone they knew to pass on (or for themselves?).

By the time the event was over, I was very tired. I had about a three-hour drive home, and alas, the lack of sleep caught up to me. Jan, Captain Frank and I, went and had dinner at the same restaurant, (I ordered water to drink) and after that Jan and I went back to our room and crashed for the night. I knew there was not way I could drive and stay awake the whole way home.

I left the next morning at 6:15 a.m. and had a very pleasant drive back once the thick fog lifted and the daylight appeared. (That early in the morning the traffic was light also, and that was a good thing. And, not a lot of construction or detours on the way back, as I took a different route home.)

It was good to be home--being with my hubby, playing with the dogs, checking out the fish, frogs, and Herman the turtle, I am so blessed.

Until next time, God Bless, love often, laugh out loud, (LOL), and peace be with you.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Wednesday morning 7 a.m.

Greetings one and all.

The birds are gathering on the high tension towers behind our home, down by the woods. There must me hundreds of them, maybe thousands. They put up quite a chatter each evening.

The weather has been beautiful, but we could use some rain. Some of the grass has come back in the yard from the last rain about a month ago. I'm sure it will all be fine by spring, ready to mow again.

It was very warm last night, with the daytime temperature reaching almost ninety degrees and I broke down and turned the air on last night. I think it made the cats happy. I will turn it on this morning before I leave to take my neighbor different places and some errands I have to do myself. My elderly had a malignant tumor in her breast, and had the breast removed over a month ago. Her lymph nodes were negative. Thank you, Lord. She does not have to have radiation or chemo. Her husband has Parkinsons disease and neither one drives. They are in their 80's. Nice people, good neighbors.

The fish are thriving, and I have yet to remove some of them. I will probably do that later this fall. I think there are at least eight frogs in the pond. The little turtle-dude, Herman, is doing well also. I was able to catch him yesterday evening to check him out, and he seems much better. The logs we put in the pond for him to climb on and sun himself during the day has worked very well. (A suggestion from our sister-in-law.)

The devastation in the south is so hard to comprehend. Please keep all those misplaced and struggling people in your prayers, and of course the ones that have lost loved ones. My heart goes out to those who have not only lost loved ones, but their pets. For some, their pets were their reason for living. So sad.

I typed for 14 hours yesterday on my sequel, A Better Day Dawning. It is getting down to the wire and I am anxious to get it done. I have set myself a deadline for October 1st, and I hope I can stick to it. Once it is completed, I will send it in for publication. Then, I will recieve two proof books to go through and have it checked again for errors by my proofreader. After that, it takes about four weeks to be released. I am hoping for sometime in December, so check my website/blog for updated information on it's progress!

I thank all of you who have visited, and I thank anyone who has purchased my first book. I know there are some typo errors still left in the book, and the use of exclamation points was a little excessive, but hey, my life then was a huge exlamation point! What can I say. New author experience.

I will be attending the Belleuve "Book Fest" in Bellevue, Ohio this Saturday, September 17th. The "Book Fest" will be held at the high school. The doors open to the public at 10:00 a.m. and it runs until 4 p.m. Hope to see you there! I look forward to meeting you, and any comments you may want to share.

I will be having a drawing for a "free book"--- so stop by my table and fill out a ticket for the drawing. I will draw the name when I get home, and send you my book.

Enjoy often, laugh out loud, and peace be with you,


Friday, September 02, 2005

Friday, September 2, 2005 - A beautiful morning.

Hello Everyone!

What a glorious, sunny morning! The weather is cool, no humidity, and it is going to be a beautiful weekend. I have a lot to do. Mowing, weed-wacking, more pond work ( more of the middle-what a job!) pick green beans, tomatoes, broccoli, and dead-head flowers to throw in my wild flower garden.

My husband started teaching this past Tuesday. He has more children than he has had in years. A total of 164 students, 130 freshman, 34 seniors. Whoa! If he still has hair by December, I will be thrilled and amazed!

Hurricane Katrina sure did vast and devastating damage in the South. I think I will stop compaining about anything. We are so fortunate to have a dry home, yard, our animals, food, clothing, garages, vehicles, money for gas (even though it is so high), and so many things that those people no longer have except the clothes on their backs. They have lost so much! It is so sad. I pray daily for them, that they can soon see some light and experience some semblence of happiness through all of their grief. It will be a slow process.

I will make my delicious potatoe salad (using potatoes out of the garden) for the family get-together on Sunday at my husband's cousins at their camper near us. It will be good to see everyone and be together. Family is so important, and I love to be around them and share stories and laughter, and all the food is soooo good too.

I am looking forward to starting the W.I.S.H. program on September 12th. I just home some women can make it. With the price of gas escalating, it will probably be difficult for them. I will probably double-up on the information I give them in the two-hour sessions. Hopefully some can attend and get some much needed help to deal with their situations.

Do me a favor, if you visit this website, please send me a short email to let me know what you think of it. If you have any suggestions, I am open to them for improvement of my website.

If anyone is interested in some Irish things, let me know. I know of a friend's sister that is currently developing a website to sell Irish things. It's really going to be nice.

Have a great Labor Day weekend,

As my friend, Su says, Peace, Love, and Laughter. They are all gifts.
