Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jessie Davis tragedy, Sun. June 24, 2007

Hello visitors,

Yesterday I watched Fox News for the breaking announcement of the murder of Jessie Davis and her unborn child and finding her body. I cried for her, her child, her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, neighbors; anyone who knew and loved her. What an absolute tragedy!

It is bittersweet that the body was found. Now the parents have a body to bury, yet their child is gone, along with their grandchild. There is no joy in any of this tragic and devastating news.

So the guy had a history of Domestic Violence. Gee, why does that NOT surprise me. From the beginning of this story unfolding, my opinion of him grew and grew the more I heard and the more I saw. My gut feeling said: "He did it, or he had it done." His demeanor and attitude said to me: "I am a manipulator, a coercion and control abuser, I get my way or no way, I am a stud, I am a liar and a cheater, I am in control and you are 'My Woman' and you will do what I say."

If he confesses, will he get off for the death penalty? He needs to be castrated or at least neutered! No more innocent children need to be produced from this violent manipulator/jerk!

How she died is not a factor. The fact is she is dead and so is her unborn child. Someone ended this beautiful young woman's life, plus the life she carried in her womb, not to mention the two-year-old darling little boy's mother.

Whether he did it, or he had someone do it, both should get the death penalty.

I pray and grieve for the family. Their hearts have been ripped out of their chest by now with all they have gone through and yet even more to deal with. It will be a hard and painful road for all of them.

Jessie Davis loved her man. She tried to fix him and make everything wonderful. She could not, and lost her life and her child's in the process. She was in no way to blame, she was a victim of control and coercion. She was sucked into a life of a person who has total control of another person and other person's by manipulation and coercion. Power and control. That is what it is all about!

It is such a shame someone could not convince her what she truly was dealing with. Yet, even if she knew, like so many out there dealing with an abuser, could she let go? Could she walk away and try to get a better life for her self? So many questions will go unanswered.

Could this be your situation right now? Could you be Jessie Davis? I beg you. Get help and get out before you die too!

Prayers for you and Jessie Davis' family.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday morning, June 17, 2007

Hello, Folks,

Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you find information that is valuable to you or for someone you know going through domestic violence and abuse. If there is something more I need to add to this website, please contact me and let me know. I certainly will see what I can add to help someone dealing with D.V. and abuse. There are many out there, suffering endlessly with all the baggage, guilt, trying to fix things, trying to make life better, but unless the abuser sees what he is doing, admits he is abusive, and seeks professional help to change, it will not stop. I know many women stay in the relationship for many reason. They just wish the abuse and violence would stop!

This past week, I went into the V.A. office on Friday. I had not been there for almost three weeks. I called some girls that used to come to W.I.S.H. just to get an update on how their lives are doing. One lovely young lady, told me she got married recently! I was so glad for her! Her new husband treats her like a queen, and I am so glad she was able to get beyond the violence and abuse, forgive, and move on. It took a lot on her part to move out of the darkness, but she did it. I am so proud of her. I wish for her a wonderful life!

I took a little vacation to get things done at home and be with hubby before he started class for his Masters at Kent this past Monday. We had a good couple of weeks together. Got some fishing in, and did some projects together at home. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life. He respects me and my opinions. We don't always agree on some issues, but he is so mature, and thinks through issues, and we discuss things a lot. I believe communication between partners is the only way to go. Otherwise, doubts creep in, trust goes out the window, and soon you have a strained relationship. I believe respect for one another is the top priority in any relationship. My hubby has never, ever called me a bad name! Nor has he ever called me stupid, ugly, ignorant, useless, etc., because, there again, he respects and loves me!

In a growing relationship, (marriage or co-hab., or whatever), both parties need to grow. If one mate stays stagnant, change and acceptance of new happenings (good or bad), or things that you face, must be done together. Talking things out, respecting one another's feelings, it is all part of the growing process. If there are issues to deal with, discuss them, or seek professional help to deal with them. To me, doing so does not show a sign of weakness, but an inner strength to resolve issues and put them behind you and give you the ability to move forward in your life.

I have had to learn to forgive the young, naive, coerced, person I was years ago when I went through abuse and violence, by former partners and my own family. I have come to realize I also have to have compassion for that young woman that I was long ago. She made errors in choices, and today, I know I am a better person. I have learned to forgive and let go.

The weather this past week was awesome! Hubby and I got a lot of things done. In the evenings, we sat on the back deck and was able to observe the adult song birds bringing in their young to share feed from the bird feeders. It is so comical to watch the fledglings flap their wings constantly and demanding feeding! They squawk and squeal to be fed. I don't know how the adults find the time to eat themselves with so many youngin's squawking for food.

The little "zip-through-the-air" Ruby-throated hummingbirds have really been going through the feeder. Even while hubby and I enjoy our meals on the deck, they come and feed. I always greet them when they arrive. They are so fascinating to watch. Pretty soon, we will start seeing the Hummingbird moths. They are so neat too!

Gotta go. Keep in touch. Thanks for visiting here. Until next time, be blessed, stay safe, and share with others to help them understand about domestic violence and abuse. It could save a life!
Becky :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hello everyone,
I woke up early this morning at 5 a.m. with the beautiful music playing outside my window-the symphony of birds and all their glorious songs. What a way to start a morning!

Company is coming today for the entire day around noon. Father-in-law and his girlfriend are coming. It will be a nice visit. He is bringing steaks, and I am making spaghetti salad, baked beans, and I got the garlic bread sticks at Dollar General Market yesterday. Yum! Yum!

Hubby and I got some fishing in this week. The weather was beautiful on the lake, and there was a good breeze to keep things cooler. I did catch a little catfish, but put him back. He needs to grow some more. Plus, some of the feisty Bluegill, a small large-mouth bass, and what looked like a small whitish-colored perch. Not sure about that one. Hubby wasn't either. Hubby caught a few of the feisty Bluegill too and another small perch.

I went down in the pond yesterday and cleaned out a lot of extra pond plants that were just too thick. It is amazing how the pond plants can take over a pond. Even if some of them are in baskets. They spread outside the baskets and are so thick!

I talked with my sister yesterday, and they finally got some greatly-needed rain in Georgia.
I sure hope the fires are out down there by now. I talked with my brother too, and he seems fine. Very busy.

Gee, so Paris Hilton has to spend a little time in jail. What is so ridiculous about all of it is this: Why does she think, because she is wealthy, she can get special treatment? She really needs to quit whining, and be responsible for her actions. What a spoiled brat! Time for her to grow up and act like, and be an adult.

A couple people want some of my fish in the pond. Fine with me, but those little buggers are so hard to catch at this time of year! As soon as they see the net, they vanish!

This is going to be short today. I have so much to do for company coming, and for a Board of Directors meeting this week for the CCAPL.

Catch you later, folks. Have a great week! I'll try to blog later in the week!
Stay safe, be blessed, and enjoy the beautiful sunshine!
Becky :)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Good morning, folks,

Well, the fundraiser for the CCAPL went pretty good at the Ribs burn-off. It was a very hot day. We were in a hanger (minus the plane), and the other volunteer ran out and got a fan for us. While she worked on putting it together, I was setting up our displays and wares to sell. People started buying things as early as 11 a.m., even though the event was not to start until noon. Fine with us! We were dripping sweat off of our chins, and loosing fluids rapidly. Finally, after what seemed forever, we got the fan running, (borrowed a Phillips screwdriver to connect the fan to the base, and some sweet fellow found an outlet that worked at the back of the hanger, I was able to borrow an extension cord from across the way, and the relief from the fan was like heaven!)
We talked to so many animal lovers and heard many funny and heartwarming stories that people shared with us. It was a beautiful day!

We still have not found "Miss Piggy." (Sigh here, but despite the heat, we haven't smelled her either, so I don't know what to think.)

Father-in-law came down yesterday. He and his girlfriend went to N. Carolina to visit girlfriend's sister. While down there, they toured the Biltmore Estates. What a place! It covers 8,000 acres. Incredible!

I have taken a few weeks off from work to spend some time with hubby before he starts school again for the summer at Kent. We went up last week for him to get his parking pass and pay for his class. Good grief! Ninety-nine miles round trip, including detours. Whew! With gas at $3.---whatever a gallon, it will be an expensive class for the summer, but worth it in the long run when he finally finishes and gets his Masters degree.

Yesterday I got up at 5 a.m. and started chores. Did four loads of laundry, cleaned, swept, scrubbed, dusted, tilled the garden (my two rows), weed whacked, cleaned the pond filter, used the water to water plants in the garden, and watered some zinnia flowers that are just coming up. We do need some rain.

Hubby and I went fishing last Friday. Right away I caught a really large Bluegill, and then two more. Hubby caught a nice crappie...then nothing else for the rest of the morning except little Bluegill that acted like large-mouth bass when they hit the hook! When we reeled them in, they were about two inches long. Feisty little fish! We finally headed back to the marina around one-thirty. We put the fish we had caught back in the lake, and headed home. Not enough for a fish dinner. Maybe next time.

It is going to rain off and on today, so I am going into town and do some errands, and hopefully we can go other days this week. It is supposed to cool off starting today.

At 5 p.m. tonight, the CCAPL has another fund-raiser at the Ponderosa Rest. I will work an hour and then another shift of volunteers will come in. Tomorrow night is our meeting.

I sure wish someone would donate us some land (five acres or more would be wonderful), so we could get an animal shelter built and save lives and get those poor, neglected, abandoned, dumped animals a "forever home!"

Gotta go for now. I'll talk to you later in the week!
Be safe, be blessed, and have a wonderful week!