Jessie Davis tragedy, Sun. June 24, 2007
Hello visitors,
Yesterday I watched Fox News for the breaking announcement of the murder of Jessie Davis and her unborn child and finding her body. I cried for her, her child, her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, neighbors; anyone who knew and loved her. What an absolute tragedy!
It is bittersweet that the body was found. Now the parents have a body to bury, yet their child is gone, along with their grandchild. There is no joy in any of this tragic and devastating news.
So the guy had a history of Domestic Violence. Gee, why does that NOT surprise me. From the beginning of this story unfolding, my opinion of him grew and grew the more I heard and the more I saw. My gut feeling said: "He did it, or he had it done." His demeanor and attitude said to me: "I am a manipulator, a coercion and control abuser, I get my way or no way, I am a stud, I am a liar and a cheater, I am in control and you are 'My Woman' and you will do what I say."
If he confesses, will he get off for the death penalty? He needs to be castrated or at least neutered! No more innocent children need to be produced from this violent manipulator/jerk!
How she died is not a factor. The fact is she is dead and so is her unborn child. Someone ended this beautiful young woman's life, plus the life she carried in her womb, not to mention the two-year-old darling little boy's mother.
Whether he did it, or he had someone do it, both should get the death penalty.
I pray and grieve for the family. Their hearts have been ripped out of their chest by now with all they have gone through and yet even more to deal with. It will be a hard and painful road for all of them.
Jessie Davis loved her man. She tried to fix him and make everything wonderful. She could not, and lost her life and her child's in the process. She was in no way to blame, she was a victim of control and coercion. She was sucked into a life of a person who has total control of another person and other person's by manipulation and coercion. Power and control. That is what it is all about!
It is such a shame someone could not convince her what she truly was dealing with. Yet, even if she knew, like so many out there dealing with an abuser, could she let go? Could she walk away and try to get a better life for her self? So many questions will go unanswered.
Could this be your situation right now? Could you be Jessie Davis? I beg you. Get help and get out before you die too!
Prayers for you and Jessie Davis' family.