Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sun. morning, October 26, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Well, I think I am on the mend and getting better but is is taking some time. The pneumonia, plus the bronchitis, laryngitis (voice is still not back yet all the way), really knocked me down. Now it is "catch up" time to get things done that I had to postpone doing while I was sick! Poor hubby came down with a bad cold and cough last Sunday, so between the two of us, it sounds like a T-B clinic around here!

I have conversed (they did most of the talking which was hard for me!) with friends, relatives, and neighbors over the last two weeks, and many people are so sick. I guess cold weather is a blessing and we will be getting some of that starting today. Cold Arctic winds (40 mph.) expected today and snow on Monday and Tuesday! Whoa! It is only October. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come. I have many book signings coming up on Saturday's throughout November and even into December. Sure hope the roads don't get bad for traveling. (I felt really bad about cancelling two of my book signings, but it was for the best as I just was not able to be there being so sick.)

Yesterday, hubby had to go into school for the ACT tests for the college-entrance students. When he got home, we had chili, and then went out to split some wood with the gas-powered log splitter we purchased last fall. Well, when he started splitting a huge log, liquid starting running out of the shaft above the log. He said it was hydraulic fluid. It did this for a little while, and then subsided. But after cutting up a bunch of pieces, he shut the machine off. The hydraulic fluid was low in the tank. Not sure why it did this, but said it might be the seal/gasket was dried out from being stored inside the garage since last fall. He's going into town this morning and get more fluid. If that doesn't do it, he will have to have the splitter serviced or call them to find out what is going on. We sure have a lot of wood to split, and this will put us behind before the winter months come upon us.

An author friend of mine, Joyce Bishop Morris, (author of the "Sweet Annie Series") and I are creating a new web site for self-published authors. We decided to go with the and have started putting it together. I worked on some of it last night. For now it is "under construction" but hopefully we will get it going soon.

I received an email from a reader of my books a couple weeks ago. She said she is having a difficult time with the aftermath of her abusive relationship. This is not uncommon as the abuser puts the victim in a "major guilt trip". I have emailed her back several times, and will call her soon. She is going to come to my presentation/book event at the Malvern Branch Library on Tuesday, Nov. 18, to meet with me. I'm looking forward to it greatly. I will be taking along valuable information to give to her and also to pass out for anyone wanting to learn about domestic violence and abuse. The more a person can educate themselves about it, the less likely they will become a victim!

Hubby and I sure miss our Kinky-B-Bob. He always came down to the basement with us in the evenings before supper, and when we had a fire going, he would sit on my lap. He really loved doing that. Tooter, the one cat left, seems lost at times. She cries now and then, and I believe she is lonely.

The CCAPL bazaar was a good success. We raised close to $1800.00 for our land/shelter fund. We even went to an auction for some land on Sat. the 11th, of October, but it went higher than the cap we set to bid for it. Oh, well. We won't give up. There is some land out there for us. When it is supposed to be, it will be. Meanwhile we will keep striving to attain our goal of raising money to purchase land and get that animal shelter built!

Lots to do today so I must get going. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your uplifting emails! I surely do appreciate every one of them!

Thanks everyone. Be blessed and have a great week!

Warm regards,
Becky :)

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sat. morning, October 18, 2008 Lots to share

Hi, Everyone,
Sorry I haven't posted lately, but a lot of things have been happening these past two weeks. One sad note, our beloved B-Bob passed away last Sunday morning. He was 19years old and I know we gave him a good life, but it is still sad to lose a pet that you have had so long. His little heart finally gave out. Hubby was with him. I had said my good-bye before I left for the bazaar that morning. Hubby made him a pine box, lined it with carpet, and put in some of his favorite toys. We buried him on Monday night out next to Sissy in the wildflower garden. I put wild daisies on his grave.

Now all we have left is Tooter-Hooter. She has been my companion and bed partner this past week as I got pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, (no voice for four days), and fluid in my right ear. Sheesh. I was in bed for four days, and this morning I feel somewhat normal, although I am still coughing (ribs and muscles hurt), but I am on the mend. I slept through the night last night for the first time since Sunday night. When I went to the Doctor on Tuesday, she put me on medicine right away. The fever I had was not real high, but lingered around for five days.

On a brighter note, the CCAPL bazaar was pretty successful. Although Saturday was good, Sunday was very slow. But, we did manage to raise close to $1800.00 for our land/shelter fund. The items left over that were donated by many people, much of it will stay at Garner's Auction Barn, and will be sold on consignment, so that we still get some more money. Some of the items we boxed up and took to "Browse and Buy" a second hand shop run by the local chapter of the Cancer Society. We are still trying to get land somewhere in our county for the animal shelter we want to build. There isn't any around here.

I had to cancel a lot this week I had planned. Especially the book signing at Walden Books in the Great Northern Mall for today! What a bummer. Wendy Brewer, the manager, emailed me and we are going to try and get another date, possibly in December. I have another signing next Saturday in Alliance, Ohio and I'm looking forward to it.

I received an email from someone who read my first book, and is reading the sequel now. She told me she could relate to a lot of what happened to me, and she is still trying to get a good life. She gave me her phone number. I emailed her and told her I would call her, as soon as I am able to talk for a while.

Hubby is going to the woods today to bring up wood he cut up last weekend. Then he will use the log splitter to do the big stuff. I doubt I can go out and help him as it is cold out there this morning and is going to stay cool today. I don't need to get sick all over again. Maybe I'll make some soup today. Hubby and I ate leftover chili I made for the bazaar for three days. Then I had to switch to Chicken Noodle!

That's about it for now folks. Lots of stuff to catch up on, especially computer work, emails, and home stuff.
Take care, be safe, and be blessed.
Becky :)

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008 - Oberlin College

Hi, Everyone, Thanks for stopping by.

Great day at Oberlin. Janey brought me a darling, soft and cuddly bear (hand-made)and she purchased my sequel. Thanks so much Janey. It was good to see you and Chloe again! Your smile is so radiant now, and you looked great and I am so glad you are doing so much better. I am so proud of you and your efforts to improve your life. You deserve the best! Keep on, keeping on, girl!

Traffic in and out of the store was light, but Author Debbie Alferio and I handed out many bookmarks and brochures on our books. We talked to various people and had some interesting conversations with some of the customers. Exposure at these signings is sometimes more rewarding than actually selling a lot of books in my opinion.

One particular gentleman I had the pleasure of speaking with, John, posed some very interesting and thought-provoking questions. We talked for a good while and he raised and posed some questions regarding abusive men and their accountability in this society for their abusive and violent actions. I believe he is compassionate and very educated in his fields of expertise. I enjoyed our conversation, and also with his friend, B.J. I gave them some literature and suggested they check out the ODVN website for further information.

It looks like frost hit this morning. Bummer. But, it is that time of the year and it was inevitable to come upon us. Today will be lots of activity putting things away for the winter months to come and also cleaning out the pond filter, adding some water (due to lack of rain), and also cleaning up the yard in different areas.

I will be going back to Oberlin in December, and Lynn, the Manager, is checking on a date for me to return. As soon as I know of it, I will post it on here. I am hoping other authors can come as well. The more the merrier!!

Stay safe, be blessed, and enjoy the rich colors and fragrances of fall that are on their way in beautiful Ohio.
Becky :)
P.S. The wayward Beagle is doing better.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sat. morning, Oct. 4, 2008

Hi, Everyone, Thanks so much for stopping by!

Well, the missing Beagle has returned. She is not in very good shape. After running the wilds and the woods for 5 days, she is exhausted to say the least. She lost a lot of weight, has sores on her feet and numerous scratches that are already healing. We increased her food intake, and are giving her canned dog food along with her dry dog food. Who know what she ate during her escapade, and where she curled up each night to sleep. It was very cold the days she was missing. If she does not improve by Monday, I will take her to the vet and have her checked out.

A young man in a red pickup truck brought her back on Wednesday around 3:30 p.m. He said she was over at the neighbors about two miles from here. All the neighbors were alerted to her disappearance and also the dog warden. So now, when we let the dogs loose for their exercise, she is on a long rope for a while, and yesterday she spent the afternoon lying on the back porch in the sun. She stayed in her box all day on Thursday and didn't even want to come out except to eat and do her business.

I'm really looking forward to today at the Oberlin College bookstore. Gas prices are down somewhat and I'll get re-fueled on my way there. I'm taking a different route today, the more scenic one, instead of the fast-paced expressways!

I hope I get to see a gal that I met before my last time at Oberlin. She bought my first book. She emailed me and told me loved my first book, and how much it helped her. She is going to be there and is bringing me a bear she made for me. How sweet and humbling.

Of course I am looking forward to meeting new people, sharing the book signing with another author, Debbie Alferio, and passing out more literature on domestic violence and abuse. The more people can educate themselves about it all, the less likely they will become a victim too.

So, tomorrow I will give you and update on the book signing at Oberlin.

Stay safe, learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse, and pass it on to others.
Later, folks,
Becky :)

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