Sunday, August 27, 2006

A BETTER DAY DAWNING- RELEASE and other stuff, 8/27/06

Good morning, folks,
Well, finally, it is raining. Yeah! And, another good thing---my sequel is being printed out this week and should be on INFINITY's website by Friday, September 1st! Another big-Yeah! It will be available to purchase after Friday. The cost is $29.95 and is 743 pages. The book is thick. I compare it to "War and Peace" but not the same content, obviously. But then, acutally, it is dealing with "war and peace" only in a different way. A battle/war is raging within me, and the peace comes in a "New Dawn." You will be the judge as to how well it is written. I hope you like it and gain some encouragement from it for your life as well.

I have scheduled a "Book Sales and Signing" at Rite-Aid Drug Store in Carrollton, Ohio (Main Street-across from Thorne's IGA) for Saturday, September 23, 2006, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. I will have both books available at a discounted price for each for the sales and signing that day, so tell others! I am looking forward to this with enthusiasm, anticipation and excitement! Finally!

Hubby's Dad and girlfriend came yesterday after going to the Great Trail Festival in Malvern. It was so hot yesterday. They came to our house around 2 p.m. We sat outside under the shade of the large tree out back. There was a breeze now and then, but it was still hot. We had a nice visit and a good meal. I made spaghetti salad and had baked a blueberry pie in the morning. Hubby's Dad brought rib-eye steaks and they were scrumptious! Yum-Yum!

It is really raining hard now. Isn't it amazing, that the rain can be such a soothing sound at times? Makes me want to crawl back in bed and just lay there and listen to it! Tooter, one of the cats, started her ritual of waking me up around 4 a.m. I fed them at that time, but she kept insisting I was not to stay in bed! The little brat! Finally I got up around 5:45 a.m. and made coffee. Now all of them are taking naps. Such a busy schedule a cat has!

I have been experiencing computer problems this past week. Not sure what is going on, so I have the computer guy coming Monday evening to check things out. Always something, right?

Hubby and I have to order fuel-oil for our two tanks down in the basement. We don't EVEN want to call, knowing that the price of fuel will be outragious this time! But, it has to be done, and done soon.

Hard to believe August is almost over. Where did the summer go? Hubby starts school with the kids tomorrow. His room is ready, and he is anxious to start teaching the new Chemistry classes, along with the Physics.

Update on Tom: He is having some difficulty with his legs after the second surgery. Some kind of infection. I sure hope he gets some relief soon. Poor guy. He is trying to have a good outlook, but it must be so hard on him and his family. Keep him in your prayers, please.

That's about it for today, folks. I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks to all that have signed my guest book so far. Your comments, words of encouragement, and e-mails are so uplifting to me! God Bless you always. Just remember, God's love is always there for you. He cares for each and everyone of you. He does promise rainbows after the storms.

Be blessed, and maybe I will see you at the "Book sales and signing!"

My best to you,
Becky :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday morning, 5 a.m. Aug. 19, 2006

A very early good morning, folks.

I awoke at 4 a.m., fed the cats, made coffee, and here I am. It is warm this morning; almost 70 degrees. The warmest morning yet. No, the air conditioner is not on-yet, the ceiling fans work fine for now. We were supposed to get some much needed rain last night, but did not. Maybe later today?

We (hubby, his dad, and dad's girlfriend, his brother visiting from MO.) and I are all going to a family reunion---hubby's side, today at noon.

First though, early this morning, hubby and I are going up to the apartment and fix a patch of siding on the house that is down to the old siding. Roofers took down part of the chimney when they put on the new roof, and an area about 2 1/2 x 3 feet is exposed to the weather. Hubby is going to put a piece of board and insulation on to cover it. I am going to hold the extension ladder. Uh-oh. Ladders and I don't get a long very well. Hope it all goes okay!!!

Then we will return, get ready, and go to the reunion. Lots of food to eat and lots of people to visit with. It should be fun.

Sometimes, in the evenings, I sit on the deck out back (if it is not to hot),and watch the birds feeding. While sitting there, the aroma of the butterfly bush next to the deck is so sweet. No wonder it attracts so many butterflies, hummingbirds, and hummingbird-moths. Not to mention all the different variety of bees!

I got down into the pond this past week and removed numerous plants that had grown outside the pots I have them in. Gosh, those things are so prolific! Sheesh! I gave some to the neighbor's daughter for her little pond. Her fish needed some shade as her pond is mainly in the sun all the time. At least she does have a fountain to keep the water flowing.

We have a huge bull frog in our pond. I mean-huge! We have no idea where he came from! I decided to call him-Rambo. He sits on the log in the pond and his body is wider than the log.

Hubby finished his classes yesterday! Yeah! He is so tired. Next week he will be getting his room ready, counting and cataloging the new Chemistry books to hand out, and attending meetings. He is looking forward to teaching Chemistry. Although, if he doesn't find the Chemistry books soon, he might have to "wing it" for a while.

We have had corn on the cob everynight for the last two months! It is so good! The Candy-corn (the third planting) is just at its peak now and I could eat six ears easily at a sitting, but limit my intake to two ears. I gave the neighbor-friend a dozen ears yesterday, along with a few tomatoes. What is happening with them is beyond me. They are rotting on the vines, even before they turn red-certainly not because of rain. We have not had any in almost a month! It could possibly be due to the fact that the tomatoe plants were invaded by "blister-beetles" one day when I went out to check the garden. Not there one day, and then hundreds of them the next! I really despise using insecticides, and vary rarely do, but this called for drastic action! In one day they consumed most of the green folage on the tomatoe plants. I did discover them earlier in the week on the potatoe plants, and sprayed them too. They do fly, so I assumed what I didn't get before, flew over to the tomatoe plants and started feasting! Drat, those "Little buggers!"

I have picked a few cucumbers, but there again, lack of rain. I have picked three cabbage heads, very large, (not sure why with no rain), and they are in the fridge for dining on at a later date. It keeps well in the fridge. Yum-Yum! Fried cabbage, green peppers, and onions! What a treat! As far as the peppers go, they are not. Some of them are also getting mushy spots on them.

Hey, want a real refreshing treat to eat? Try slicing onions, tomatoes, and green peppers together. Put them in a bowl and add Good Seasons, or Kraft Zesty Italian dressing to the mixture, and chill and serve! Very good! You can add more veggies each day. I think I have gained about 5 pounds this summer!

Update on the sequel. Production at Infinity Publishing has slowed down due to people taking vacations! I called the other day and the girl said it would probably be another two weeks before I get my book back to review and send back in for the final publishing! Major-bummer! I must have patience.

I had to attend a "Driving Course" seminar last Wednesday because I work for the county. It was awesome! Very informative and educational. Wear your seatbelt! Be alert so you don't get hurt! No tailgaiting or speeding!

Company will be coming on Sunday too for a visit and I am doing Catfish on the grill wrapped in foil, steamed to perfection, plus corn, of course!

Have a blessed day and a great weekend.
Best regards,
Becky :)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"WHY DOES HE DO THAT?" and other stuff - Sunday, 8/13/06

Good morning folks,

What a beautiful morning! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, it is about 50 degrees, and it is going to be a beautiful warm day. How's that for a good start?

Now to the title of the blog: "WHY DOES HE DO THAT?" by Lundy Bancroft. Well, folks, I can say this---This book is a must-read for anyone dealing with domestic violence, abuse in any form, and for anyone who has suffered from all of it now, or in the past. Mr. Bancroft goes into the minds of angry and controlling men. He hits the nail on the head, and literally opens the minds of abusive men! What an incredible book!

I have read many books on domestic violence, abuse, healing, etc., etc., but this book says it all. Check with your local library first, if you do not want to buy a copy. If they do not have it, maybe they could get it in for you. I ordered my copy from I am half-way through it, and my eyes have been opened as no other book has done in understanding an abusive and controlling person. In some ways, even after all these years of trying to put it behind me, I still have issues to deal with on occasions. Thank goodness I have a very loving and understanding husband, but the book answers a lot of questions I could never get answers too! Even after all this time!

For those of you who have signed my guest book, I THANK YOU!! You are such blessings to me!

I have received more e-mails from various women going through different stages of violence and abuse, separation, and even divorce. My heart goes out to them. They are in such turmoil and have so many decisions to make; it is heartwrenching. I pray for them daily, maybe you could too.

I received an e-mail from Pam. Tom had to go back to the hospital and have more surgery. He is almost starting over from when he first was hit by the drunk-driver. He has a long way to go. Continue him in your prayers, please. He was able, back in June, to walk his daughter down the isle at her wedding. How wonderful is that?

The final stages of completion of A "BETTER DAY DAWNING" are almost complete. Yeah!
Check the website in a couple weeks for the release date, and my first book sales and signing! Yeah!

Hubby is almost done with classes at Kent. This is his final week, and he has exams at the end of the week. He is tired-poor sweetie. Then it is back to teaching at the high school. He has gone in several times to get his room ready for classes to start on August 28th.

Hard to believe summer is almost over! I went down in the pond this week and cleared a lot of pond plants that were taking over. Whew! That was back-breaking! I saved some for a friend of mine that has a pond. The lily pads are huge, and I even was able to cut some of them away. Little Herman is so cute. He comes every evening to feed. He is growing by leaps and bounds!

Mandy, the (little snit) beagle is back. She seems to know she is in the dog house, and deep-do-do with her master (hubby), and she has been sticking around. Of course, hubby watches her like a hawk, but then, she is such a sneak, she will probably take off again for parts unknown when you let your guard down for an instant. What a brat!

I was able to see my brother,(Howie in the first book), last Wednesday. We met at Olive Garden for lunch. I have not seen him in almost a year. (He is so busy-golfing,etc, girlfriend, etc.). Anyway, it was good to see him and we had a nice visit. He even bought my lunch, "For my birthday" he said.

Lots to do today. I bought some cleaner called "Awesome" that cleans vinyl siding. It works really well. Of course I have to use a ladder again. Hope I don't fall off like last year and break something. I will try to be careful. Although, yesterday, while filling the pond with some well water to bring the level up some, (lack of rain), I stepped out of the flower bed near the facet and slipped on the landscape timber (in my barefeet, as always when outside), and landed on my right shoulder and my hip. Ouch! Didn't break anything, but I am sore this morning. I will probably go and see my Chiropractor Tuesday and get things back in line. I'm sure I knocked my back out.

Have a great week folks, and thanks again, always, for vising my website. I hope to have some "testimonies" regarding my first book, this week. If you would want yours on the website, contact me, and let me know. You do not have to give your full name or where you are from, unless you want to. I will keep that confidential for you.

Be safe, be blessed, laugh often, and be good to yourself. You deserve it!
My best regards,
Becky :)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday morning, August 5, 2006

Good morning folks,

Yeah! I sent my sequel, A BETTER DAY DAWNING, into the printers on Thursday, August 3rd. Hopefully it will be done and ready in a couple of weeks. I changed the book sales and signing to the last Saturday of August or the first Saturday of September. I will let you know A.S.A.P.

I jarred my back a week ago. Stepped out of a door (not at home) and didn't realize there was a step down. Ouch! Went to see my chiropractor this week and it is much better, but I will probably have to go back again. I am getting twinges and soreness in my left siactic area. At least now I can lower my head and move my neck. The right shoulder area is much better now too.

I had a birthday this Wednesday, August 2nd. Hmmm. Not sure if I will have any more as the next one will end in a zero. Yikes! Hard to believe I made it this far. Good Lord willing I will make it to the next one! I praise Him and thank Him for allowing me to make it this far.

Hubby is busy with driving and attending classes. He has three weeks to go and then he has to go into the school where he teaches and finalize getting his classrooms ready. He has only four days to do this!

Hubby and I are leaving this morning to go to the apartment to paint one of the bedroom where the holes were the most numerous and the largest. Sure glad it is not going to be as hot as it has been. We are taking a fan with us and a sweeper as there is a lot of sweeping to do.

Goodness that 90+ -degree heat was sure something. I can't imagine the three-digit heat wave, some reaching 126-degrees some places, and that a lot of people had to endure.

I hope I can see my brother next Wednesday. It has been a long time. Almost a year since we last got together. I hope it is a good visit.

The garden is really doing well this year. Hubby's corn, the second planting of Candy Corn, has been ready for over a week. Because of the high heat, it is being invaded by little black bugs, and green worms. Yuck! It is so delicious! I have given some to co-workers and neighbors. I will probably blanch some this weekend and freeze it for soup in the winter. Yum-Yum! The stalks are at least 8 feet tall and the ears are huge! I have picked some green peppers, and last night I picked a whole basket of green beans. My zucchini plant died, (I think the old beagle-Hank, peed in it to often) but I did managed to get a small one to eat. One can only take so much zucchini. I picked a cabbage head a week ago and had it for Sunday supper when hubby's dad came down with his girl-friend. I cooked it with green peppers and onions. Very good. (It was actually about the size of the trunk of my car! Just kidding. It was huge. There are two more out there about the same size.)

Mandy, the little beagle, started coughing last Sunday. She had a lot of phlegm in her throat. She runs around all over the place when she is loose, especially in the wildflower garden, looking for who-knows-what. I picked up medicine for her the other day-Allergy and antiobiotics pills. The vet said the high heat definitely plays a role along with allergens in the weeds she insists on going through. She is doing better already.

I gave a presentation of the W.I.S.H. program last Tuesday. My boss, K. came in later and gave hers on the Victim Assistance programs. Plus, we had two "survivors" come too and tell their stories and how they are doing so much better now. Their stories were so moving, and the people there were very receptive to all that was presented.

Gotta go now and get ready to go paint, sweep, and finish cleaning the apartment.

Have a great week! Until next time-Peace, Love and laugh often!

Becky :)

Saturday morning, August 5, 2006