Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sat. morning, March 24, 2007

Greetings folks,

I woke up at 3:45 a.m. but decided not to get up. My low-back is giving me fits since yesterday morning. I got through the day at the office, came home, walked around outside with hubby and dogs, and then while doing so, one of the beagles, Mandy, (the snit), took off. While I walked down to the woods, yelling her name, walking over the rough terrain of the field, hubby was up near the house yelling too. Finally the little snit (she is such a brat), appeared around the corner of the garage. I walked back to the house and she came up to me with the most guilt-ridden look on her face. Hmm. Not sure where she disappeared too, but glad she came back, I think. Other times she has not returned, and either ended up at the neighbor's houses down the road, or once at the dog pound! Brat. She never has been a good-listening dog, but being a rescued one, we tolerate her quirks and defiant behavior at times. Not a good hunting dog either, for rabbits, mainly chasing deer tracks if she gets the opportunity to escape when we are not keeping track of her whereabouts. Many times hubby has gone down in the woods and retrieved her, or tracked her. He gets so mad at her! But, she does have him wrapped around all four paws. Not so with me. I tolerate her, barely. She is a little sneak, and given the opportunity, will take off when you are busy looking after the other three dogs. Needless to say, the walk over the rough terrain did not do my back any good. I settled on the chair alternating the hot water bottle and the microwave heat pack, and then went to bed very early. Of course B-Bob was there by my side offering me comfort. He is such a good kitty. I had to settle for watching the Miss America pageant instead of the basketball game. Hmm. Wonder what the winner will do with all her fame. Time will tell.

With that off my chest, today was my mother's birthday. She would have been 93 today. Regardless of our differences over the years, she was still my mother and I miss her cheery smile.

Today is a a one-year anniversary for a very special reason. Can't tell you why right now, but it is one I will cherish for the rest of my life.

I did get up at 5:15 a.m., and heard the peepers-peeping! Yeah! Spring must finally be here!
I did hear on the news the other day that it snowed April 6th, last year. Hmm. One thing we cannot do is control the weather. The rains have been constant and the pond has overflowed numerous times. I keep checking for escapees, and so far there hasn't been any. I still haven't seen little Herman. I did put two floating log pieces in the pond yesterday in case he makes his appearance and has something to crawl onto and help him dry out if the sun does come out eventually. It is suppose to rain today and tomorrow also.

I visited my chiropractor the other day as my left hip and neck was a mess. I seemed fine that next day, then yesterday it was in my low back. I will probably go and see him this morning to get some relief. Not sure what caused it all to flair up, but it might have been a little weed-pulling and cutting away dead stuff in a few flower beds? Getting older has its drawbacks...the mind says "GO" the body says "No."

I'm still working on the 501 (c) (3) application for the new organization's nonprofit status. Whew! Very detailed and time-consuming. So far I have about 35 hours into it, and much more to go until it is completed. I hope I have it done for our April 3rd meeting.

A very dear and good friend of mine is pregnant and going to have her first baby in about 12 weeks. I am so excited for her! I received an email from her about a baby shower in April. It will be fun to go to and see other friends of ours too. She was the size of a beanstalk, and she says she has gained about 35 pounds. Oh well, this too shall pass. She is a very active young lady. She has her own place and a managerie of animals, plus a full time job! Wow! She will be extra busy!

Gotta go. Lots to do today, slowly of course. Mainly, work on the non-profit application.
Be blessed, stay safe, and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring. Isn't it wonderful?
Becky :)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday aft. March 18, 2007

Greetings, folks,
Well, the weather certainly has been different this past week. One day it was seventy degrees (awesome), and in a couple days we had heavy wet snow and wind again.

For some reason, I just cannot handle the wind like I used to. I'm not sure why, but it does bother me. Especially when it is cold and the arctic blasts are frigid.

I did manage to get more fish out of the pond, twenty-eight in all, and took them down to the neighbor's lake. I put them in one at a time. The water in the bucket was so cold, I thought my hand was going to freeze.

Hubby and I added water to the pond for four days, as it was extremely low, and the liner was still up in different places. Well, of course, it rained for two days, lots of it, and then the pond overflowed. Go figure. No fish escaped as there are huge rocks around the entire pond, and I pea gravel in between them so no one can escape. I did find two more frogs that died, but one day when it was so warm, two little frogs jumped into the water. So, at least some have survived. I sure hope little Herman is okay, still.

Sure was an interesting week at the Victim Assistance office. One day we had seven domestic cases in one day. That is a lot for our little county. I have some new women coming this Monday for the first time, and some are returning from before. It is always good to see those that are coming back, trying to move on, and feel good about themselves, even though second-thoughts do creep in. It is a struggle for them at times.

I sold some books last week, and for that I am grateful. Do you know of anyone who would like to get them signed? If so, tell them to order them through my website, and I will sign them and ship them free freight, as long as it is in the United States.

Father-in-law just came in for his usual Sunday visit. He asked me to sew his hat, which I did.
I am making a new dish tonight for supper. One of my co-workers gave me the recipe. It sure sounds delicious. As a matter of fact, I have thought of adding recipes to my website that are really good and easy to fix. I must do "easy" as I am very busy most days and have to have something quick, yet nutritious, of course. (Hubby is pretty much a "meat & potatoes-man.")

I am so looking forward to Wednesday! Not only is it the first day of spring, (yeah!), but I am meeting two of my best friends for breakfast. We will have a great chat and visit. It has been months since we got together last. It was at Christmas time last year.

Father-in-law just asked me to print out some pictures he took of his girl-friend's family that I store in my computer. So, I will do that for him now. Gotta go. More later in the week.


Best regards,

Sunday, March 11, 2007

sunday morning, March 11, 2007

Good morning, folks,

I attended a baby shower yesterday for our elderly neighbor's granddaughter. She lives in Idaho and flew in for her baby shower. I met this lovely girl twenty-three years ago when hubby and I bought our place. I used to pay her to pick up rocks out of our garden! Most of the time she worked diligently at it. This young girl, (who is now 33 years old), at one time had a skull separation and had to have surgery when she was very young-around 8 months old, I believe. The doctors said if she did not have the surgery, she would probably be disabled/slow learner, etc. I believe she had two surgeries to correct the problem. It was a gamble whether or not the surgery would work---it did. Today she is a very intelligent young lady, and has a very high-paying job in journalism.
Watching her yesterday at her baby shower, I could not help but reflect on the fact that she has come a long way in her young life. What could have been a medical problem to hold her back intellectually and physically, she has excelled beyond all of it and is a wonderful person with values, morals, and a rich life.
Her mother is so proud of her and her accomplishments, and is looking forward to being a grandmother, as is her great-grandmother, my elderly neighbor.

I checked the pond when I got home. The liner is going down, but needs water. Hubby said we will add some today, as the small amount of rainfull did not do much in the way of filling the pond.

Today is suppose to be warm and I will probably be outside later on this morning, surveying my numerous flower gardens, and possibly doing some cleaning up of dead stuff. I have noticed daffodils peaking through, although they were up somewhat from before December when we had 60-degree weather before winter hit! They must be so confused!

While I was at the baby shower, I had the priviledge to sit next to a very pretty, young lawyer from Pa. (She went to college with the baby shower person and I believe they were roommates at college), I mentioned I was an author of two books, (I tell all I can when I can!), and I told her what they were about. She said when she was interning, she did have some experience in domestic violence and abuse cases. We had a good conversation about it (while baby-shower-person was opening gifts). Later on, when we went to the parking lot to leave, she bought one of my books...the sequel...A BETTER DAY DAWNING, and said she would order the first one through my website. I signed it for her, and she left to go back to Pa. I was thrilled that she bought the book, and I am looking forward to her reviews and comments.

Lots to do today! It is going to be a glorious day-weather wise.

Be blessed, laugh often, stay safe, and sieze the day-it is a gift!
Becky :)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday morning, April 10, 2007

Good morning, folks,

Wow! Yesterday's warmth was awesome. The sunshine and the warmer temperature was great. I just stood outside last evening when we had the dogs romping around for their exercise, and let the warmth beat on my face. Love it!
The pond liner is starting to recede, but it is a slow process. So far the fish are just swimming around in the deeper spaces where the liner isn't up. I haven't seen any frogs yet, but probably will today. While I was standing at the edge of the pond, I could see little bugs flying around too. So maybe the frogs will come out today and get a meal or two. I sure hope Herman, the little turtle is okay. At least I haven't seen him floating anywhere. I did remove some ice from the pond, which was at least two inches thick again from the last cold and snow this week.

We are suppose to get some rain today, and I sure hope so, as the pond water is low. Hubby says the rain will help the liner go down too. If not, we will have to add some water to the pond, by tomorrow at least.

The C.C.A.P.L. meeting Tuesday night was great. We had more people join, and the enthusiasm and ideas were music to my ears. We did approve the bylaws, so now I will be working diligently in getting the 501 (c) (3) application ready to send in to the IRS. Whew. It is a lot of work, but it must be done, and the sooner the better. (Along with the $300.00!)

I have had some new women come through my W.I.S.H. program in the last couple weeks. Some of them have suffered abuse for a long time. They are beginning to realize it is not their fault, and they really want to have a better life. They deserve it so much. It is so hard for some of them, financially and emotionally, especially where there are children involved. Batterers just don't get it when they use the children as pawns to get what the want. Then there are the batterers who really don't think what the court says applies to them. Duh!

I don't play the lottery, except when it is really, really big, and that is about $2.00 worth. Alas I did not win this last huge payoff, but I am glad for the guy in Georgia who did.

If I won the lottery, I would do so much with it to help others. Wow! The door is wide open on that one!

Little B-Bob, the older cat, is getting quite vocal. Last night while I was watching CSI, he just kept whining. Finally, I got up and went to bed. He immediately jumped in my chair, and started his ritual of bathing. Good grief. It is my chair and I told him this, but I do share it with him. Then after a little while, he came back to bed and got under the covers as he always does.

I sold some books this week, and for that I am glad. I would like to enter some poetry contests, but I am still paying on my VISA for the books I ordered. Tell others---buy my books---get educated about domestic violence and abuse---save a life!

I have to go over the minutes for our secretary, and finish correcting the bylaws to email to my friend who is going to run the copies of them off for me for the members at the next meeting. (She is also member.) Some of the members the other night, gave me lots of copy paper, and this sure does help.

Gotta go, lots to do today-be safe, laugh often, be blessed, and enjoy the great warm weather if you are having it where you live. I love to hear the birds singing! Spring is on its way-yeah!

Becky :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday morning, March 4, 2007

Hi, Folks,
Well, good riddance to February! It sure was an interesting month-weather wise. Glad it is over. Spring is just around the corner, although you would not know it by looking out my windows. It snowed again yesterday, and is snowing right now.

Our pond liner rose up due to the extreme amount of thawing of ice and snow in the back yard. I went out the other day and scraped off debris and filled a 5-gallon bucket. I couldn't do too much as the stirring of the debris can cause the water to get filled with sediment, which in turn can cause the fish's gills to plug up. When I dumped the debris in the garden, I found a small koi that had expired, probably a while ago. Then, I also found a salamander floating down in the water. He was gone too. I do believe this is the one I put in the pond about seven years ago. I found him in the window-well out front, and put him in the pond. At the time, he was about two inches long, and he did grow to about four inches. Bummer. Maybe there is another one down in the pond that is surviving so far, and maybe another will make it's way to our pond. I sure hope Herman, the little turtle is doing okay. I did see a frog swimming along the edge, so at least one made it so far. Not sure about the other ones until the water gets warmer and they come out of hibernation. Until the water dissapates under the liner, it will remain floating. We do have some cement blocks down in the pond, and a big plant, but we will more than likely add more to hold the liner down for next winter. Live and learn, huh?

We had water in the basement last week. Not much, but hubby hurried out and got the tractor going and scraped away the heavy snow that was piled next to my stone wall planter at the end of the house. The ground is rather low there, but the snow was preventing the water in the planter from coming out. It was about six inches deep. Once he removed the snow, it started to drain. Then it all accumilated in the back yard and we had a skating rink. I used a long handled chipper to break up some of the ice to get to the bird feeders to fill them. It was slow moving in my wader boots, and I sure didn't need to fall and break something. (I am rather prone to that.) Hubby helped too. Some of the ice was over two inches thick! Then when the rains came earlier in the week, it all melted, then we had a super big wading pool. It is all gone now. We will probably have to get more topsoil this summer and work on building the area up.

Our furnace went out last week, and thank goodness it was not that cold outside. The sun was shining and it helped to keep the house fairly warm, along with the kerosone heater hubby put between the living room and dining room area before he left for school. It stayed around 60 degrees. I just put more clothes on. B-Bob the cat thought it was neat, as he layed beside it and seemed content to just be there and absorb the heat.

I sold two books the other day through my website to some people in Lima, Ohio. Yeah! It all helps. I have more books here at home and if you can, order them through me. I will sign a copy, (copies), and send them out to you free freight-in the U.S.

I started working on a new book last week. It will be like a "gift-book" with poems and uplifting and encouraging things for victims/survivors of abuse and violence. I am also going to incorporate pictures I have taken over the years of scenery, flowers, butterflies, etc. Now I just have to find a publishing company that does hardcovers and also allows pictures and not cost and arm and a leg to have published. Any suggestions?

My sister, bless her heart, is reviewing it for me as I go along. She is really excited about it, as am I.

I have been waking up at three a.m. most mornings, and putting the thoughts that are coming to me in my computer. Sometimes I will be sitting downstairs with hubby, and I have thoughts racing into my brain. I grab a piece of paper and start writing.

I have a big meeting coming up Tuesday night for the new organization. We have a lot to cover as we did not have a meeting due to the bad weather in February. The by-laws will be presented and voted on for the members that attend. We are so excited about this new organization, and we have over 75 members as of now. Great!

Gotta go for now, lots to do today.
Stay safe, be blessed, and remember, you deserve a good life! You are worth it!
My best regards,
Becky :)