Thursday, September 28, 2006

Domestic Violence rally and vigil-Oct. 4th, 2006

Hi folks,
Just wanted to let you know I will be the main speaker at a Domestic violence rally in New Philadelphia, Ohio on Wednesday, March 4th, 2006, on the square of N. Philly. It starts at 6 p.m. After all the speaking participants are finished, there will be a candlelight vigil for all the victims of domestic violence homicide in the Tuscarawas County area. Sure hope you can attend.

You know, "education" is the key word here. So many people are just not aware what is going on in other people's lives of a victim/survivor of domestic violence and abuse. They don't think it can be their really nice neighbor, co-worker, babysitter, relative, friend, on and on. No one is exempt. It can happen any time, any where, any city, any ethnic backgroung, rich or poor-anyone. So, the more you know about it, grasp it, and speak up about it, the better it may get. You just can't shove it away in a closet, or under a rug. You never know, someday it could be you, (hopefully not), but being aware and having the knowledge about it, could save a life!

Did you know that the ODVN (Ohio Domestic Violence Network) gave new statistics this year that, now, every FOUR seconds, someone is a victim of domestic violence and abuse. How staggering are those statistics!??? It used to be every nine seconds.

On a lighter note, my hubby came up to me the other day while I was standing there looking over what was left of our garden. He tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around, he was holding up a clump of grapes! Yes, grapes. I asked him where he got them because I knew of none in the house or outside anywhere. He told me he found them over at the edge of my wildflower garden! Wow! At first we thought they were wild grapes, but then after eating several, discovered they tasted like reall concord grapes. Yum. I went over to check out this grape-thing and discovered at least 5 more clumps. Wow! That was exciting! (Sometimes it doesn't take much for me anymore at my age!)

Later that evening, the neighbor lady came over to bring us her trash for the next day's pickup. Hubby was telling her about it, (I was mowing the yard), and he later told me the neighbor lady said there used to be a "grape arbor" near the area we found them. Well, I'll be darn.

We used to mow that section of the field off for many years, and then in the last seven years, I have let a large section (about 150 feet by 50 feet), grow back to being wild. Son-of-a-gun. Who would have thought we had a grape arbor all this time? So, after years of being able to grow back to the natural state, the vines have produced fruit! Yes! I saved some seeds and scattered them along the side of the wildflower garden. Each fall season I dead-head many seeds and scatter them all over it. There is such a variety of flowers, (alas poison ivy,too-but some birds eat the fruit they produce), many berries everywhere, and we even planted some trees. Many things have just grown in it because birds scatter seeds too.

One season we had a nest of baby bunnies. There are so cute! Of course, Mandy the beagle found them, and all the other dogs had to investigate the "find" too. We got the dogs out away from there, and put a fence around it to protect them. Bad dogs.
I have found different bird nest too, on the ground and in some of the bushes that are getting larger each summer. It is so neat. I love to walk through it and discovering new things that have sprung up.

It has been raining all day. The neighbor and I went into the store this morning and that was fun trying to carry groceries with an umbrella in one hand, and numerous bags in the other. Good exercise. I made six trips to the car before I was done, at her place and mine. Whew.

Oh, I did hear about Tom. He had to have surgery again! He will be in the hospital for a while as there is infection in his leg. But, according to the email I received, they removed all the metal and found more infection than they thought was there. So, people, please keep him in your prayers.

That's all folks, for now. Have a good rest of the week.
Get educated about Domestic Violence and abuse. Don't be to harsh in judging those victims, and be safe. Check out the books to read on my website and also the website connections. The more you know, the less there might be of violence and abuse. Love should never be feared.

My best to you,
Becky :)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday morning, September 24, 2006

Good morning, folks,

I had the Author's workshop last Saturday (Sept. 23), and it went well. In fact, those attending want to have another, soooo, I am going to have another one on October 21st, at the Arts Center. I have extended the time from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lots to cover and share. It is posted on my website. Hope you can attend.

My book sales and signing yesterday went well. I am so glad. I had a visit from a young gal from Kentucky. She came with her grandmother. It was so nice to meet her and her grandmother. Her aunt came too. Her aunt is the one that sent her my first book. Hopefully she will get her life back after going through a devastating and difficult abusive situation. She's trying. I gave her a lot of information from my W.I.S.H. program that will hopefully help her too.

I have been trying to catch some fish out of our pond. They are so hard to catch! There are just too many in the pond and I need to thin them out. I take them down to the neighbor's pond just down the road. It is huge!

Little Herman has not come to feed for several days. Maybe he is getting geared up for hibernation. I have seen him on his log though, sunning away---when the sun does come out.

It was rather cool this week, and fall seems to be close at hand. The birds are gathering by the hundreds. I hear geese now and then going over.

The garden is pretty much done, although I do have some red cabbage to pick yet and the green beans just keep coming! There are some green/red peppers, but they are few and far between and small. I'll probably just cut them up and freeze them to use in various dishes. They are not really big enough for stuffed peppers. I am going to make cabbage rolls today. I have one huge cabbage left and must get it used before it goes bad. Plus, I will save some for fried cabbage. Ever have that? It is great. I put onions in and green/red peppers too with just a little olive oil. Yum, Yum.

I have been sick the past two weeks. Lost my voice for days, and a little bronchitis. I went to my doctors this Thursday, but he was on vacation. I had to see the Nurse Practitioner instead. That was fine. She did discover I had fluid in both ears. No wonder I was dizzy at different times when I stood up or walked. She gave me a prescription for antiobiotics. I guess a lot of this type of ailment is going around. Not nice. Hard to kick. Still coughing, but better now.

I am going to Stark State on the 3rd of October to set up a book sales and signing at the bookstore there. I am excited about this.

One gal that came to my book signing yesterday, told me she knew of a girl at S.S. that read my first book. She said, "Your book really helped her get out of a bad situation. She is really glad she read it." I am elated that it helped someone get out before they died! As we all know, this can happen.

My second book A BETTER DAY DAWNING, has a typo on the "Dedication Page." This has been corrected by the publisher. Their mistake in transposing I guess. Instead of being the word "darkness" it says, "darness." Well, I suppose it could be that, or damness, but it is darkness. Anyway, if you get a copy, I just wanted you to know that is what the word should be. Mistakes happen. I tried and tried to proofread the book, as did the other two proofers, but alas, some are missed. It happens. Sorry. Nothing like the first book! Wow! What a learning experience that was! I have had the first book revised and corrected as of June, 2006. Much better clarity and easier reading.

I have suggested a book by Lundy Bancroft, "Why Does He Do That?", to many people. It is a great book to read. Even if you have moved on from an abusive relationship, it does clarify and answer a lot of questions victims/survivors have. I know it did for me, even after all of these years. Right now it is out of stock at Amazon, but they will probably get it in shortly.

The new book, A BETTER DAY DAWNING, is thick. I compare it to "War and Peace." Different war, different peace. Anyway, I hope you get it and enjoy it.

Let me know what you think.

Gotta go, laundry awaits, and housecleaning.

Have a great week.
Be safe, be blessed, and laugh often.
Best regards,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday morning, Sept. 17, 2006

Good morning, everyone!

Well, I gave my author's workshop yesterday. I had a good turnout and those that came seemed to be pleased. I ran it for two hours, but actually it went for almost three! So much to talk about and discuss. It was a great and enthusiastic session. Those that attented want to do another one, so I tentatively scheduled another workshop for Saturday, October 21st, at the Arts Center, again. This time I will probably run it from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (I will have my computer guy post it A.S.A.P. to let you know the exact times.)

I finally have a voice back, although it still is not totally back. Thursday, a week ago, I got a very sore throat, (thank goodness for Chloraseptic spray!), a fever, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. (I guess it is going around). Anyway, I started some antibiotics I had from before that I did not use. I take the last of them today. Sure hope it does not return as I have the big "book sales and signing" coming up this Saturday, and I certainly want to be well for that!

I guess the weather is going to turn cooler starting this week. Hubby cleaned out the chimney yesterday and now it is ready for him to make the wonderfully warm fires in the rec. room in the basement. Two of the cats always come down to enjoy the warmth too. Sissy likes to get up on my lap and soak in the warmth. (non-stop purring.) B-Bob does too, but I have only one lap, therefore, he gets a little put-out if Sissy is on my lap and he wants on it too. (They have such grueling agendas! Such a life!)

I need to pull the aerator from down in the pond. That will be a little cold! It is on a cement block in the deeper part. Brrr. I have to put on really short shorts as not to get them wet, then reach down and get ahold of it, walk it over to the edge where hubby will grab it from me. It is quite heavy. The other aerator is a fountain that has a filter attached to it. I will probably take it out today and clean it out. I will put it back in for a little while longer, as the fish need the oxygenation of it until the water stays colder and holds the oxygen. Ponds are a lot of fun, but a lot of work. Next will be tackling the many leaves that come down. Those are not a good thing in a pond.

Herman is doing well. He still suns himself on the log in the pond. He sure is growning. When he comes to feed, when I feed the fish, he usually comes to the side of the pond and waits for me to throw him fish food. Sometimes he gets a little upset when he goes to grab a piece of food and a fish gets it instead. Hmm. It will be interesting to see what he does as he gets a lot bigger.

Last year we lost a lot of frogs in the pond. They buried in the potted pond plants around the shallow part of the pond. (The pond has two levels-shallow around the edges and deep in the center). When the ice forms and gets thick, the frogs get frozen out because it freezes down to where they are buried in the potted pond plants. Hmm. Not sure what to do there because if I put the potted plants down in the deeper water, it will take up space for the fish to survive over the winter. I do have to remove many more fish, as there just are too many. They are such buggers to try and net. Once they see the net, they disappear! And they say fish are dumb???
I don't think so.

This past Thursday, the local paper (Free Press Standard), did an article on my sequel, and my first book. The girl that I talked with was very nice. I think she did a good job with the article. It will be released in this weeks' paper.

If you know of a library or a woman's shelter that you think should have my books, please let me know. I will try to send them copies. The more we recognize domestic violence and abuse, the better. It is escalating to the point that now every "four seconds" someone is battered in the United States. Those are horrible statistics, people, and the more we can educate the public about this, the better.

Stay safe, be good to yourself, you deserve it.
Until next time, Peace, Love, and Laughter to you!
My best regards,
Becky :)

Sunday morning, Sept. 17, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sept. 9, 2006 - new sequel, author workshop, etc.

Good morning everyone!

I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for your e-mails of uplifting words and encouragement.

I do hope you get a chance to buy my sequel, A BETTER DAY DAWNING. My goal is for someone to know there is hope and a better life after violence and abuse, lies, deception, and coercion.

Whether you purchase the book through Infinity Publishing, or Amazon---(it is on Amazon's website now, but not yet available, but will be soon), or at a book sales and signing I am having, take the journey with me through more heartache, lies, and deception. Then, the rewards of an awesome love and forgiveness.

The sequel is long, about 743 pages from cover to cover. I compare it with "War and Peace" ---only a different "War" and a different "Peace"!

I have been sick for two days, and hopefully will be better by Monday to go to work.
My hubby, as I mentioned before on previous blog, got a cold. I thought I was doing fine, then wham, it hit me in the throat and chest on Thursday afternoon. Bummer.
Glad I had some medicine on hand to start taking. I even sprayed my throat with Chloroseptic spray at 3 o'clock this morning.

Next week is going to be very busy for me. Work Monday-(I hope)- Tuesday routine blood work in morning, then get hair cut, deliver more books to sell,-Wed. interview with local paper doing a story about sequel, deliver more books,- Thursday, work all day for the special election, 5:30 a.m. to 8-9 p.m., - Friday volunteer at the office, groceries, etc.
Then, Saturday, September 16th, is my "Author's workshop" at the Carroll County Arts Center - 204 W. Main Street, Carrollton, Ohio. It starts at 1 p.m. and ends at 3 p.m. It is $3.00 per person. You have to call the Arts Center to pre-register at 330-627-3739. It is open to anyone interested in learning about getting published. I have put together a lot of information and hope someone learns from it and is inspired. The "Do's and Don'ts" of getting published is the theme. I certainly can share my knowledge on that aspect! Plus, other valuable tips I have learned along the way. Whatever information I can pass on, the better to help someone want to get published. It is quite a rewarding experience.
If you need directions, email me through this website and I will be glad to do so.

Saturday, September 23rd, is also the book sales and signing! Don't forget! Hope to see you! (Check my website at the top of the first page, then click on the "Book Sales and signing" going across the top for information and directions.)

Okay. It is light outside now so it is time to feed the dogs, fish, turtle, fill bird feeders, etc., then get some more things done for the workshop.

Hope you all have a great weekend and a good week coming up. Don't forget to fly your flag on Monday, September 11, in honor of those who died on the most horrific day in United States history.

P.S. By the way. I noticed on my blog after it is posted that the time is not always correct when I do the blog. Right now it is 6:45 a.m. (Not sure how to change that.)

Peace, Love, and Laughter to all!
Best regards,
Becky :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday morning Sept. 3, 2006 plus new release of sequel

Good morning everyone!

Well, September arrived and I am still in awe of where the summer went! Hmm. Somehow it went so fast, I do believe it passed me by and I missed most of it! How come when you are waiting patiently for something, time drags on indefinitly, then when you are trying to accomplish so much in a day, you run our of day??? Hmmm. Interesting.
When I was young, it seemed that the days just dragged on and on. Now that I am older, time just flies by! Why is that?

Hubby started teaching this past Monday, and of course, he has his first cold. I am trying not to get it, but I have been sniffling too. Father-in-law was supposed to come down today, but I called him and told him we were both getting sick. At 83 year of age, he does not need exposed to it. I was going to make cabbage rolls for supper and I will probably end up making Chicken Noodle soup!

My sequel is done and details can be viewed here (soon as my computer guy gets to it on this website), or you can go to Infinity Publishing's website at and go to "New Books." It is listed right now at # 10. I think they keep it there for about 2-4 weeks to view, then you can type in A BETTER DAY DAWNING on the "search for" and it will come up. Actually, you can do that now because I did it.

I am having a "Book Sales and Signing" at the local Rite-Aid Drug store, Saturday, September 23, 2006 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Main Street, Carrollton, Ohio. I am offering $3.00 off the first book (which has been updated and revised), and $5.00 off the new sequel book. (Computer guy will be posting the flyer ASAP).I am looking forward to it immensely! How exciting. I even have been notfied that a gal from Kentucky is coming to my signing! Wow! How awesome is that? Of course, anyone who shows up will be welcomed with just as much gratitude and enthusiasm. Hope to see you at the signing!

This past week I did what corn was left in the garden. I froze nine quarts. I gave some to the neighbor gal who suffers from Fiber Myalgia. She has so many bad days with it, but she is really a trooper and tries her best to keep going every day. She has a "Pet Sitting Service" and she says it helps get her up in the mornings and to keep going throughout the day.

I haven't heard about Tom, lately. I hope he is recovering and doing better.

Oh, I am going to have my computer guy post "Testimonies" from emails, cards, letters, etc., I have received over the last two years regarding my first book. I save all of them and the words of encouragement and praise touches my very soul!
I am hoping that the testimonies will enlighten you and maybe through them, you could pass the word along for someone to read my book. You just never know if it could save a life.

Regarding libraries: I received an email from a gal that said her local library had very little resources (only two books) on domestic violence and abuse. How sad! Check with your local library and ask them to please get some books in covering this horrendous subject.

The number one book I recommend is "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft. It is an excellent book and opens a victim's eyes like no other! Plus, if you could, go to my "Books to Read" on this website and print them out or write them down and take the list to your local library in your area. They have many resources to order books at a discounted price. If you know of a library that their resources are limited, I would be glad to send them my first book. Any way I can help, with your help, to get the word out about domestic violence and abuse I will do. (Send me the library's website too, please. Thank you.)

Hubby is coughing and sneezing, and sniffling up a storm this morning. Poor guy.

Have a great week, holiday, and keep the emails coming! I just love to hear from you!

Be blessed, be good to yourself, you deserve it!

Becky :)