Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sun. morning, Sept. 28, 2008

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by this week!

Well, sad to say the Fostoria BookFest was a bust! I don't believe anyone sold any books because there were very few people attending but for maybe 10 or so. I left around 2:30 p.m, as did some of the other authors there. It was a 3-hour drive for me and I'm sure longer for others who were there from the Columbus area.

I felt bad for Bonnie and all her staff that put so much effort into the event, provided a good lunch for us, a T-shirt, and a gift bag for each author. They had everything arranged quite nicely in the huge hall. But, where were the people???

I email my friend and author, Ann Keller and she felt bad too for the time, gas, and effort put forth by over 50 authors that were there. But then she gave me some very disheartening news. Her publisher, TRIAD Publishing has skipped town with over 70 authors presently filing lawsuits against them for theft, breach of contract, etc.! How devastating and criminal. The police are looking for the head-honcho-publisher now! What a mess.

Unfortunately she will not be attending next Saturday at Oberlin College as she doesn't have any of her books and can't get them! Good grief. Why do people do these kind of things? Do they really think they can get away with it? Same thing with the disgusting CEO's of all the banks and other companies. These are supposed to be the "smart people??" that get paid megabucks to run things? Don't even get me started on it! Another mess.

I don't believe the American people will stand for a bail out of the magnitude that is being mentioned for it. It just cannot happen. If the banks fail, let them fail. This is not our fault and we should not be taxed or expected to pick up the tab for all of it. Enough is enough. Call or write your senators and voice your opinion!

I started watching the Presidential debate the other night. Fell asleep watching as neither party was answering the questions given to them. Gee. What else is new?

Lots to do today. Gotta get my house cleaned, laundry done, windows washed, etc. It is overcast and that is okay. I better time to wash windows!

Mandy, the old Beagle is missing. She took off for parts unknown Friday evening around 4:30 p.m. Hubby heard her baying across the road down in the valley. He went over there but by the time he got there, she was far up the other side. We called the neighbors, the dog warden, (she does have her current license on her collar), and hopefully she will return soon. She does this, and I was going to say to hubby, "It's about time Mandy takes off again on a hunt."...and then she did! Stinker! Bad dog!

Have a great week, folks, and sure hope I see some of you at Oberlin this coming Sat.! My other author friend, Debbie Alferio will be there too!

Best regards,
Becky :)

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sun. morning, September 21, 2008

Hi, Everyone,
Thought I would post this morning before getting the car loaded for the Octoberfest fund-raiser for the CCAPL in Malvern all day. Hope we do as well today as we did yesterday at the hot dog stand! Today we are selling cat/dog items, raffle tickets, and other things related to pets. Plus, of course, we always hand out literature on us and what we are trying to accomplish. Sure wish we could get some land so we could get started building the animal shelter.

We are still trying to find a generator. Hubby wants one that is around 8,000-something, to run the pump as well if the power goes out. Clean up is winding down, but some people as of today still don't have power. Sheesh. I can't imagine going without power for a week! Yet when I think of all those people in Texas that can't even return to their homes yet because of flooding and all the mess down there, we were fortunate. Ohio was the second state hit the worst by hurricane Ike. A lot of lesson in "being prepared" certainly have hit the priority list with a lot of folks.

Yesterday hubby and I took a trek down in our woods. I hadn't been down there in a long time. It was really serene. I found about 6 old bottles of different sorts and colors. We found a lot of trees knocked down, split down the middle, and some still leaning and hung up on other trees. Not sure if we can get those, but there are a bunch we can get for firewood this winter. That will be a team effort for us, and one we enjoy doing together, but is quite a lot of work using steel cables, and dragging them out of the woods. Hubby knows how to do all that.

I'm really looking forward to being at the Fostoria BookFest this coming weekend, Sat. Sept. 27 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. I'll probably have to leave around 7 am. to get there and set up. I will see other authors I know, so it will also be a great gab session too!

Sorry this is short, but I have to get the car loaded and get ready for today's fund-raiser. Tomorrow is another one after work, at Pondersa, then going to city council to ask permission at 7 p.m. to put up our bazaar signs on the square.

Have a great week. Enjoy the last day of summer, (boo-hoo), and stay safe.
Blessing to all, and thanks for stopping by and visiting.
If you have any suggestions or comments about my website, please send them to me.
Becky :)

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wed. September 17, 2008 - What a windstorm!

Hi, Everyone,
If you visited in the last few days, thanks!

When the high winds, (78 mph) hit our area Sunday night, knocked out the power for 44 hours total, it was quite an experience. I have never in my life seen or experienced that high of winds before. Very scary. (Although nothing compared to the devastation with hurricane Ike and Texas) but none the less, quite an ordeal. Between running into town and getting bottled water, ice for the coolers to save perishables in the refrigerator, and using pond water to flush the toilets, cleaning up debris everywhere, lighting candles, heating water on the gas grill side burner for coffee, we managed.

Hubby and I survived all right, (Thank you Lord for your protection), and all is back to normal now. Poor hubby went into school yesterday to take a shower, but alas it was only cold water! Brr. He wasn't there long. (School was closed for two days.)

Yesterday our kind neighbors brought up their gas-powered generator in the morning and ran it for about four hours. We hooked up the chest freezer downstairs, It was "getting down to the wire" to save everything, then we hooked up the refrigerator upstairs, and the fountain at the pond. The fish were really stressed because of low oxygen, and actually that was my main concern! Just as I unhooked the plug at the pond from the generator for the fountain about 2:25 p.m., I plugged it back in and voila, the fountain continued running-the power was back! What a relief!
Our neighbors came out of their house and we were all shouting and celebrating!

Some in the area are still without power, and it might be until Sunday it is all restored for some folks. Emergency areas have been set up locally for people to get bottled water and ice. I called the electric company, and the kind lady said that nine of twelve substations were down and they were working around the clock to get power restored. Thousands were without power in the 84 counties (88 total) in Ohio.

Quite a learning experience. Hubby and I are going to get a generator, when there is one available to purchase. All stores that carried them in and around our area were sold out on Monday.

The wind even blew off the peppers on the pepper plants. The garden is winding down now, and not much left. Hubby mowed off the corn stalks, and now the dogs are having a feast finding little ears to munch on.

Soon it will be Autumn, and we will be going to the woods to get firewood.

I have a lot of book signings coming up, and also some authors I correspond with, are interested in starting an author's group/club for authors in Ohio.

Now I have to get caught up on computer work, emails, and get some things done around here.

Gotta go for now. Take care, stay safe, and count your blessings.
Becky :)

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

On that horrible, fateful day, early in the morning, I was loading up the car with all of my Mother's belongings. On that day, as we drove to the nursing home which was going to be her last and inevitable residence, we arrived safely.

Help was there by the staff, whisking away my Mother to get her settled into her new two-bed room. They helped me carry all her clothes and other articles of her worldly possessions that she was allowed to have there. Pictures of her family for on the wall, a photo album of her family, an assortment of knick-knacks of birds, owls, etc. for on the little night stand beside her single bed.

Once she was settled in, we made our way down to the solarium. While we were walking, slowly with her tri-pod cane, I realized some of the staff had grave looks of concern on their faces.

Once we reached the solarium, the television was on, and other staff members were staring at it in disbelief with tears on their cheeks. It showed a huge plane going into the side of a high tower. Katie Courig was solemn in her reporting, yet trying to piece together what was happening. There seemed to be a lot of chaos in the television studio, with reporters trying to piece together what was happening.

Mother hobbled over to the piano and sat down on the bench. She ran her gnarled fingers over the key board and started to play a song. I was glued to the television, not believing what I was seeing. She politely asked me to join her, oblivious of what was going on around her. I didn't tell her either. I wanted her moving transition to be a pleasant one.

While trying to settle my Mother into the nursing home that fateful morning, my emotions were running rampant, similar to a small stream that just had a deluge drenching of rain and was overflowing its banks. Not understanding what was going on with the visual scenes of the television, but also having to deal with putting my Mother in a nursing home for her final journey in life.

Afterwards, when I got home, I raced to the television, turned it on, and sat down in disbelief as to what was happening. Then there was a second plane, then a third plane at the Pentagon, then another in Pennsylvania. A day to remember, forever.

A day to be thankful and a day to pray for those lost, injured, and recovering from the horrific memories.


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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tuesday morning, September 9, 2008

Hello, Everyone,

I'm really excited about this. This Thursday I am meeting another author. I met her through emails. She belongs to the IWA (International Writer's Association)in which I am a member too. Her name is Joyce Morris. She has written several books. We are going to meet for lunch. I am looking forward to it a lot and share some things about writing and whatever!

The weather sure is changing. A storm came through last night around 1:30 p.m., but the thunder woke me up at 12:15 a.m. I got up and shut windows, and removed the cushions from the porch swing. Then I was wide awake of course, so I read for a little while then the rain/storm started. The hummingbirds are still here feeding at the feeder, and I'm sure they will go back south when they are ready. It is going to be in the 40's tonight. We may have to turn the electric heat on already! Bummer.

Last night while I was sitting downstairs with hubby, B-Bob the cat, the one that has been sick, got on my lap. His breathing seemed to be labored. When we went back up to eat supper, I took out my stethoscope and listened to his heart (which was beating very fast), and also his breathing. Hmm. I will take him to the vet on Wed. if they have an opening. I don't want him to be in pain or suffer. He seems okay, but there might be something else going on now. The vet did say he had a bad heart murmur, and I don't know if it is escalating at this point to cause his labored breathing now. Poor little guy. He is 17 years old and has had a good life.

I'm going to do a lot of driving today, and taking the elderly neighbor to the stores. Then back home to get more work done.

Sounds like another storm is coming so I better sign off for now and shut down the computer.

Have a blessed week, everyone.
Stay safe.
Best regards,
Becky :)

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Fri. morning, September 5, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Between finally getting the lawn mowed, (as hubby got the mower fixed),week-whacking,CCAPL stuff, working on the 2007 CCAPL financial books for the Attorney General's office application, phone calls for volunteers, working at fund-raisers, (another one tomorrow), meetings, garden, neighbors, checking on more places for book signings, loading and unloading the car, etc., it has been a busy two weeks for me.

I really enjoyed my time at the Waldenbooks Bookstore in Strongsville. Wow! What a huge and beautiful mall. The Manager, Tony, and his staff that I met, Karen and Jennifer, were all very nice and helpful. I talked to a lot of people that day, and handed out numerous papers on D.V. and abuse. I have been blessed to have some of the people I met and talked to, email me already! (Tony is letting me go back November 15 to the store.)

I put together more information for you to pass on and let anyone be aware to learn more about domestic violence and abuse. There is a little flashing thing that says: *New" so check it out. The more you can learn the less chance you will become a victim.

This is going to be short today as I have a lot to get done today for tomorrow's CCAPL fund-raiser.

Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed. Pass on the new information or let others now about it, please!

Thanks everyone,
Becky :)

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