Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sun. morning, Nov. 30, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your correspondence. It is so great to hear from you and I am so blessed. There are still those out there hurting, needing help, and deserving a better life. Spread the word about my books. I know they can help someone!

Thanksgiving Day was a real treat! I got up early, prepared and stuffed the turkey, and let it cook for 5 hours. We ate at 1:15 p.m. It always makes me chuckle when the time in preparation last hours and it takes about 20 minutes to eat it! Hubby cleaned up afterwards. He is so helpful. I sent father-in-law home a variety of goodies from the meal.

On Friday, I took off early for shopping at the Mall up north. Well, I was totally amazed at the shoppers and the traffic. I have never gone on "Black Friday" before and it was quite an experience. Kohl's ran out of shopping carts, but I managed to get a basket for my purchases. It took me 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot! I then headed to Pet Smart, then to Olive Garden where I had a delicious lunch. Then more shopping and I got home around 2 p.m. I was tired!

I recently purchased the book "The Burning Bed" by Faith McNulty. The book is "The true story of Francine Hughes - A beaten wife who rebelled." (It was also made into a movie years ago.) Absolutely incredible reading, and yet while reading it, I was taken back in time to many incidents in the book I experienced myself. I truly believe God leads us to read certain books to not only know that someone else out there is suffering or did suffer with abusers, but also to educate us on the many ways abusive and controlling men act. There is a pattern. As I have said many times, "It is a learned behavior, and it can be unlearned" if the abuser is willing to do so. If not, he will remain the same and you will never change him. You can only change yourself and get out of the dark pit of abuse and violence.

I also purchased another book, "Women Escaping Violence" by Elaine J. Lawless. I'm hoping to be able to us it in my group sessions.

Christmas is fast approaching and I will start decorating this week and preparing for the wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth! It is my favorite day of the year!

Stay safe, keep in touch, and count your blessings.
Learn all you can. You may save a life, even your own.
Hugs and prayers,
Becky :)

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday morning, November 23, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Thanks for your emails and correspondence. It is so refreshing and uplifting to hear from so many of you. Always remember, I am here for you if you have to talk, vent, or discuss violence and abuse in your life. Past or present.

I was at the Borders Bookstore in Columbus yesterday. I talked with so many people and signed 5 books. Not bad. The best thing about the whole three hours I was there is, I was able to hand out literature on domestic violence and abuse. The more people know about it, the less they will become a victim. The drive was nice driving down too, no snow or rain! Although I am still in amazement how people drive on the Interstate. Very fast! I'm a slow-poke I guess. I cruise along at 71 mph if the speed limit is 65 mph.,(weather permitting). People pass me as though I am going 30. It amazes me.

I was at a local Dollar General store and they have a really great thing going on for kids this Christmas. You can purchase a variety of toys and they put them in large boxes to be distributed to families that are facing hard times (really a lot of them now), and give them to the children in local areas. This is a really great thing, so stop or check out your local Dollar General Store to see if they are doing it to. Some of the toys start at $1.00 and go up from there.

Discount Drug Marts in various areas are collecting money for "Coats for Kids." You can purchase a paper sign for $1.00, put your name on it and this goes towards this worthy cause.

I was at the Malvern Branch Library this past Tuesday night also. I had the privilege of meeting one of my readers. We talked for two hours. I gave her numerous hand-outs on domestic violence and abuse. This sweet young lady is trying to get over and beyond an abusive relationship. She has so many good qualities and I believe she will do okay. It will take time.

Today is laundry, cleaning, (does it never end!), and pre-preparations for Thursday's Thanksgiving day.

The new "Healthy Relationships" is up on the first page of my web site. Read it. It is very good and informative. Next thing I will be putting up is: "Letting Go." so watch for it too.

Thanks again readers for keeping in touch. Talk to you soon!
Stay safe, be blessed, and keep in touch.
Becky :)

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday morning, November 16, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

The drive up and back to the Strongsville Waldenbooks was nerve-wracking! Lots of rain. I cannot believe how ridiculous people drive when it is pouring down rain. They act like it is 80 degrees and sunny. Good grief. I took my time, and stayed mostly in the right lane and let all the crazy drivers pass me. I kept to the speed limit, and that worked for me.

I met so many people, handed out bookmarks, and my new brochure on my books. Even though I did not sell many, I talked to and handed out a lot of literature on domestic violence and abuse, which is a good thing. The mall was busy with shoppers. Jennifer, one of the employees of the bookstore was very helpful and I appreciated this. There are a few signed copies left of my books if anyone is interested in going there and purchasing them. That would be most helpful to me and to the store.

I was even privileged and honored to talk to a couple about their daughter. She is trying to escape an abusive relationship. They bought my book for her. She has two small children and is dealing with a lot, and I hope and pray she can get a way from him, and have a better life.

Hubby fixed spaghetti and when I got home it was nice to relax by the fire and chat a while, then eat his wonderful spaghetti! I was tired from the trip. The driving in the rainy weather, crazy drivers, and all of it wore me out, but it was worth it. It always is.

Tuesday night I will be at a local library. I have a reader coming in who has read my books and she has emailed me letting me know they helped her a lot. I'm so honored!

Today we may go down to the woods and cut up the logs in sections, load them on the trailer and bring them back to finish them off with the log splitter. it will be a busy day. I have the usual laundry to do, cleaning, etc. more. Father-in-law will be coming today as usual. He didn't make it last Sunday as he had a bad cold.

We were supposed to have snow this morning...but it is not out there! Well, bummer. I love the first snow, but do not love winter. Too cold for my old bones!

I'll be putting on my web site another information page regarding "Healthy Relationships" so watch for it soon...possibly this coming week.

Thanks for your emails and contacting me. I am here to help you however I can.

Stay safe, be blessed, peace, love, and joy to you! You deserve it!
Becky :)

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday morning, Nov. 14, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Well, the leg is okay now and I'm so glad. The bruising is subsiding.

In the past two weeks I have heard from so many readers of my books...very uplifting, encouraging and also humbling. I certainly have tried to reach victims of domestic violence and abuse, recognizing their situation, and hopefully either getting away, or resolving that each victim cannot fix their abuser, but the abuser can only fix themselves.

Women are natural "fixers" and "nurturers" and we want to fix things and make things right. It is solely up to the abuser to fix himself and recognize his abusive and violent habits of coercion, power and control over someone---are all learned behaviors. It can be unlearned. He must take the responsibility, get help, and fix himself. Until he does this, he will continue to go his merry way and rectify the abuse and blame others for it.

Yesterday, at the East Park Restaurant was a very good day! The staff there was so helpful and they went out of their way to accommodate us in the side room. Very good food too!

The "Record Courier" newspaper came and took our picture and ask us a lot of questions about our books. Colin McEwen was the newspaper reporter, and Lisa was the photographer. We certainly were elated they came and hopefully the story about us will be in the newspaper soon.

My Author friend, Joyce Bishop Morris, brought along another author, Patty Bell. She has recently wrote a book called, "When Is Today?" It is a true story dealing with Alzheimer's and its many hardships. Patty also is joining our newly formed Authors Club-"he Inkpot."

Today I am going into work this morning to call girls for Thursday's W.I.S.H. and also decorating a Christmas tree for the CCAPL at the local historical building, the McCook House. Then I'm meeting a friend for lunch. She is having trouble with her 18 year old daughter who has moved out and is in an abusive and coercive relationship with her boyfriend.

Great to hear from all of you!

I'm looking forward to being back at the Waldenbooks Bookstore in Strongsville, Ohio tomorrow! Stop by if you get a chance. The book store is on the second floor of the mall. Nice store!

Stay safe, be blessed, and spread the word about my books, please? The more that learn about the reality of violence and abuse, the less there will be.

Warmest regards to one and all,
Becky :)

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sun. morning, Nov. 9, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Well, my right leg is better and it certainly could have been a lot worse! Yesterday hubby and I went down to the woods to fell what was still standing of a tree that went down last year, drag out what was already down, and cut up the sections. He was pulling on a large limb with multiple branches that was caught on vines and other limbs when it snapped and came flying over my way. The base of it struck me on the side of my leg between my knee and ankle. Wow! That hurt! I was breathless for a minute or two. Hubby helped me over to the tractor and he lowered the bar so I could sit down. The pain subsided after a little bit and I was able to walk on it. I am very fortunate it did not strike me on my shin bone, but on the side of my leg where the muscles were, or I truly believe it would have cracked my shin bone! Goodness gracious. Close call!

Then one of his chainsaws froze up, so he started using his really big one to cut up part of the tree that was lying on the ground. Well, bummer, it must have pinched the saw blade as the chain came off. We took it back to the trailer and he discovered the chain got bent some, so our cutting up wood was discontinued. We did manage to drag out the large trunk and some pieces for when we go back down.

We came back to the house and he checked the saw that froze up. Well, he found out the safety brake engaged, viola, reason it froze up! Then we went into town and got another chain for the larger saw. I was experiencing more pain down to my ankle and looked at the area the limb struck, and of course it was turning many colors. It is still sore this morning but not as bad. I did use some ice for a little while. I'm sure it will be okay. Next time I will stand way away from the activity site!

I sure am looking forward to this coming Thursday when I will be at the East Park Restaurant in Ravenna with my friend and author, Joyce Bishop Morris. If you get a chance, stop by and visit. We will be in the side room to the right when you walk in the front entrance. Good place to eat too! We will be partaking of a meal before the signing. You're certainly welcome to join us around 10 a.m.

It is supposed to snow today. Bummer. It was a beautiful week in the high 60's and low 70's and yesterday it turned colder. I fed the fish up until yesterday. Even the frogs were out. I guess winter is coming whether we want to see it or not.

I've got to get Woodrow and Mandy into the vet's office for their rabies vaccinations and get Mandy checked for her cough this week. Ever since her disappearing act a while back, she is still coughing. I gave her cough pills I had on hand but they aren't working. Hope it isn't her heart. Could be though. She is about 15 years old. Way to old to be taking off and running for 5 days! She has picked up most of the weight she lost in her escapade and is looking better.

Tooter is getting on my lap every night now, and also sleeping with me, curling up behind my legs when I am on my side sleeping. Hmm. She never did this before.

We are still thinking of getting a kitten. Haven't decided yet.

Lots to do today. I have to give a speech tomorrow night for the CCAPL at the local Rotary Club and have to prepare my speech.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Stay safe, be blessed, and have a great week! Until next best regards, Becky :)

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sun. morning, Nov. 2, 2008

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by. If a gal named, Vera, who left a comment about my books stops by again, would you please contact me through my web site?

Well, I do believe I am almost better, but still coughing, so is hubby. This morning my throat was sore again and I'm hoping it was just because I was outside all day helping hubby with wood cutting. What a gorgeous day it was and so warm! We went down to the woods around ten o'clock and cut up the big section of the cherry tree he left down there after dragging it across the creek a few weeks ago and left in to the open field. My, it was big and round. He used his big chain saw his Father got him for Christmas a couple years ago. Several pieces were rotted inside and when he split them open with the axe and wedge, there were numerous large black ants. Funny thing was, when he started cutting up the tree the top part was good, the bottom was good, but the ants had settled in the middle of the tree. It had been down for a couple years or more, I tried to count the rings, and came up with about 65, but I believe it was older than that. It was hard to detect some of the rings because of the chain saw cutting through it.

After we got the pieces split apart to load onto the trailer,(well, hubby did them all but one. I did a small one),we brought them up to the woodshed, then hubby started splitting them on the log splitter. What a time-saver that thing is! He splits, I load pieces into the wheelbarrow, and stack in the woodshed. What a team!

We ordered Pizza last night and had it delivered. Very good pizza from TRAX, a local restaurant.

While I was working outside, the wonderful smells of Autumn permeated the air with a vast array of distinguishing odors. Then, I was blessed with having a dragonfly land on my wheelbarrow! Later on I saw him flying around the pond. I was really amazed at this because I had not seen one all summer and it was very late in the season to see one. He was tiny and had a little bit of bright orange on his little body. I'll have to look him up in my insect book, to see which one he/she was.

Tooter, the last cat in the household, seems lost. She cries now and then and is not eating well. I believe she is still missing her buddy, B-Bob. Hubby said we should get another kitten, but I don't know about that. We'll see.

So the time change started this morning. Well, that means it will be dark around 6 p.m. and then later on around 5 p.m. I don't like the time change. 'll probably be in bed at night now around 7:30 p.m.! This morning I woke up at 1 a.m. and read until 3:45 p.m.

I did manage to clear the walkway out front the other day of all the flowers that are past their blooming time. I have let a lot of the flowers stay that are still hanging on in other flower beds as when it gets warm, the bees are still hunting nectar, and some of the birds feed on the seeds. I cleaned all around the pond and cut away the majority of pond plants that were going to die off anyway. Yesterday I counted six frogs jumping in the water when I approached the pond. They are such interesting creatures. I even fed the fish yesterday as the pond temperature rose above 50 degrees, and they came to the surface to feed.

I have a busy week ahead with work on Monday, a CCAPL meeting on Tuesday, meeting a girlfriend for lunch before she heads back to Florida, visiting my Aunt, and trying to get things organized once again in my office area. Things do accumulate fast and have to be filed and organized.

My work at the office has been cut back due to a cut-back on grant funding. One of the girls that works there, was cut way back on her hours. Sad. It is such a helpful office to those in need, and it is a shame that such an important and helpful office has to cut back at the expense of those who need it desperately.

Gotta go for now. Sure hope you all have a great week, enjoy the great weather, and stay safe. I'm looking forward to all my book signings coming up in November.

Thanks for stopping by!
Warmest regards,
Becky :)

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